On 4/4/16 6:32 PM, Fred Baker (fred) wrote:
> We had a remote presenter on MeetEcho in v6ops today. I broke up badly, which 
> seemed to go away when the speaker took down his video stream. Even after 
> that, however, it was very difficult to hear and to understand unless you 
> were standing behind the speakers.

australia, and telstra in particular seem fairly dire from here. gblx/l3
seem to exchange traffic  with 4637 in JFK

Measuring to my syd pop shows some fairly painful jitter  but also a low
level of possibly congestion induced loss for the international hop to MIA.

J@mb:~$mtr cache-syd1620.hosts.fastly.net -c 100 -w
Start: Mon Apr  4 18:57:21 2016
HOST: dhcp-b257.meeting.ietf.org                  Loss%   Snt   Last
Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--                                 0.0%   100    1.4
22.4   1.2 394.6  52.0
  2.|--                                 0.0%   100    2.3
24.0   1.7 318.1  45.3
  3.|-- po3-20g.ar3.mia2.gblx.net                    5.0%   100  133.5
169.1 133.2 434.2  62.3
  4.|-- ae5.edge2.miami2.level3.net                 11.0%   100  145.0
185.3 136.6 420.1  66.2
  5.|-- ge-6-3.car1.hamburg1.level3.net             87.0%   100  165.6
171.2 165.6 174.5   2.9
  6.|-- telstra-level3-20g.newyork1.level3.net      12.0%   100  231.8
282.5 226.4 492.4  82.5
  7.|-- i-0-0-2-0.ny8a-core01.bi.telstraglobal.net  11.0%   100  213.3
273.5 210.4 572.5  77.5
  8.|-- i-0-4-0-1.tnrt-core01.bi.telstraglobal.net   7.0%   100  212.8
249.3 202.9 490.6  61.2
  9.|-- i-0-4-0-11.tlot-core01.bi.telstraglobal.net  7.0%   100  221.5
253.2 207.4 408.6  54.9
 10.|--                               9.0%   100  364.5
390.0 360.0 567.4  46.7
 11.|-- unknown.telstraglobal.net                    6.0%   100  371.0
394.2 365.4 583.5  49.3
 12.|-- ???                                         100.0   100    0.0
0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
 13.|--                                 5.0%   100  360.5
396.0 356.2 838.4  66.7

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