On Mar 24, 2006, at 6:56 PM, John E. Malmberg wrote:

Ken Williams wrote:
Hi Craig,
What's status look like now, with these changes?

[...] VMS does not support the list form of piped input, so some of the tests that were passing are no longer passing.

How annoying.  I was going off of this statement in perlfaq8:

       How can I call backticks without shell processing?

This is a bit tricky. You can't simply write the command like this:

           @ok = `grep @opts '$search_string' @filenames`;

As of Perl 5.8.0, you can use open() with multiple arguments. Just like the list forms of system() and exec(), no shell escapes happen.

open( GREP, "-|", 'grep', @opts, $search_string, @filenames );
          chomp(@ok = <GREP>);
          close GREP;


As written, that entry is misleading at best - I think it needs a patch to say that semantic is only supported on certain platforms (going beyond the current comment that it doesn't work on Windows), and to say which ones those are.

Any p5p person know what platforms those are, so we could build a decent doc patch?


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