Hi folks!

I'm trying to install GD 2.35 under HP's Perl 5.8.6, running
under OpenVMS ALpha V7.3-2 .
I have built all the libraries I need (zlib 1.2.3, libpng 1.2.16,
libjpeg 6B, gd 2.0.34), and after some Makefile.PL tweaking, the
MMK run completes without complaints (see log below).

BUT: The resulting PL_GD.EXE shareable does not export any
universal symbols except BOOT_GD ?!

I *think* I traced it to Makefile.PL not properly setting
the DL_FUNCS option to WriteMakefile, but if I try to correct
that manually, the resulting MMK action line is too long to
be executed.



--- cut here ---
$ perl Makefile.PL
NOTICE: This module requires libgd 2.0.28 or higher.

        If you are using Math::Trig 1.01 or lower, it has a bug that
        causes a "prerequisite not found" warning to be issued.  You may
        safely ignore this warning.

        Type perl Makefile.PL -h for command-line option summary

Included Features:          JPEG,PNG,GIF,ANIMGIF
GD library used from:       /libgd_dir
PNG library used from:      /libpng_dir
JPEG library used from:      /libjpeg_dir
Zlib library used from:     /zlib_dir
This is a build on OpenVMS. In case of problems with the build
do not bother Lincoln Stein but get in touch with
Martin P.J. Zinser ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

If you experience compile problems, please check the @INC, @LIBPATH and @LIBS
arrays defined in Makefile.PL and manually adjust, if necessary.

Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Descrip.MMS for GD
$ mmk
cp [.gd]polygon.pm [.blib.lib.gd]polygon.pm
cp [.gd]image.pm [.blib.lib.gd]image.pm
cp qd.pl [.blib.lib]qd.pl
cp [.gd]simple.pm [.blib.lib.gd]simple.pm
cp [.gd]polyline.pm [.blib.lib.gd]polyline.pm
cp gd.pm [.blib.lib]gd.pm
AutoSplitting blib/lib/gd.pm ([.blib.lib.auto.GD])
MCR $1$dga100:[tools.perl5_8_6]perl.exe -e "use ExtUtils::Mksymlists;"  -
  -e "Mksymlists('NAME' => 'GD', 'DL_FUNCS' => {  }, 'DL_VARS' => [], 
'FUNCLIST' => [])"
MCR $1$dga100:[tools.perl5_8_6]perl.exe -e -
MCR $1$dga100:[tools.perl5_8_6]perl.exe -e -
MCR $1$dga100:[tools.perl5_8_6]perl.exe -e -
  "print qq{libpng_dir:libpng/Library\nzlib_dir:libz/Library\nPerlShr/Share\n}" 
MCR $1$dga100:[tools.perl5_8_6]perl.exe perl_root:[lib.ExtUtils]xsubpp -
  -typemap perl_root:[lib.ExtUtils]typemap -typemap typemap GD.xs >GD.C
Warning: long symbol GD__Image_copyReverseTranspose
        trimmed to GD_IgoReeTno
         at perl_root:[lib.extutils]xsubpp line 1126
Warning: long symbol GD__Image_setAntiAliasedDontBlend
        trimmed to GD_IgetAiAadDtBnd
         at perl_root:[lib.extutils]xsubpp line 1126
/Include=[]/Standard=Relaxed_ANSI/Prefix=All/Obj=.obj/List/Machine/Show=Expan -
  /NOANSI_ALIAS/float=ieee/ieee=denorm_results -

int    snprintf(char *__s, __size_t __n, const char *__format, ...);
%CC-I-INTRINSICDECL, In this statement, the declaration for intrinsic function 
"snprintf" referenced
  at line number 2391 in file 
DISK$DATA:[TEMP.WEB_NEU.SRC.MODULE.GD-2_35]GD.XS;1, parameter number 2
  is of type "unsigned int", which is not consistent with the expected type 
  It will be treated as an ordinary external function.
at line number 773 in module STDIO of text library 

%CC-I-UNREACH, code can never be executed at label not_there
at line number 335 in file DISK$DATA:[TEMP.WEB_NEU.SRC.MODULE.GD-2_35]GD.XS;1
If F$Search("[.BLIB.ARCH.AUTO.GD]GD.OLB").eqs."" Then Library/Object/Create 
Library/Object/Replace [.BLIB.ARCH.AUTO.GD]GD.OLB GD.OBJ
If F$TrnLNm("PerlShr").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog/User PerlShr 
Link /NoTrace/Map/Full/Cross /Shareable=[.BLIB.ARCH.AUTO.GD]PL_GD.EXE 
Running mkbootstrap for GD ()
Copy/NoConfirm GD.bs [.blib.arch.auto.GD]GD.bs
Copy/NoConfirm [.bdf_scripts]bdf2gdfont.pl [.blib.script]bdf2gdfont.pl
--- cut here ---

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