On 12 Oct 2007, at 04:48, Craig A. Berry wrote:
They have 5.8.6 on the testdrive, so you shouldn't have to build your
own perl to test modules.  You should be able to ftp, gunzip, and tar
-xvf more or less as you would anywhere.  Instead of C<cd> you have
C<set default> and C<show default>.  Instead of C<make> you have
C<mms>.  You can enter C<unix vms translation> into Google and find
lots of command references for further navigation.  You can type
C<bash> and get into a familiar shell for navigation and file
manipulation, but I'm not sure the Perl port will function very well
in that environment.  Last but not least, to log off type C<logout>
or C<eoj> (for end-of-job).

I've used this verbatim for


Hope that's OK? I'll add to that page as I learn more.

Andy Armstrong, Hexten

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