On Wed, 29 May 2002, Donnie O. wrote:

> The funny thing is that when I access the Sparc5 system directly from
> the Solaris8 box through an XWindow session with the display set to 0
> then everything is fine (everything appears).  When I try and access the
> Solaris8 box using VNC from home everything works.  It is when I try and
> run VNC from home to the Solaris8 box and then open a XWindow session on
> the Sparc5 that my problem occurs.  I can view everything fine except
> one imaging program. Everything comes to the home pc (set to display 1)
> except this one proprietary software that sends the display to the
> Solaris8 system (display 0) instead.

Does that one program support a --display argument on the command line?  I
guess it isn't using the DISPLAY environment variable.  Does the Sparc5
run ssh?  Telnet?  What if you do one of these things from VNC term on the
Solaris8 box:

xterm -e ssh Sparc5
xterm -e telnet Sparc5

That will open an xterm and you can then log into the Sparc5 machine.
Then "echo $DISPLAY" and try to run your program.

It's just possible, I guess that the program you are using is hardcoded to
use display :0.  That would suck!

Tell me what happens.

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