Is VNC the answer?

I am trying to access a system that is giving me a problem.

Here is my basic setup.

SunSparc5 ------- SunSolaris8 box----internet-------home pc

The Sparc5 system is running a limited version of Sun OS 4.1.3 and is a
mission critial system that cannot be changed.  I tried to compile VNC on it
but the OS is so stripped that it doesn't have GCC or the necessary files to
run VNC.

Therefore, I am running VNC on an intermediate system (Solaris8 box) that will
allow me to access it from home using VNC and then run an XWindow session to
the Sparc5 to access the program that I need.

The funny thing is that when I access the Sparc5 system directly from the
Solaris8 box through an XWindow session with the display set to 0 then
everything is fine (everything appears).  When I try and access the Solaris8
box using VNC from home everything works.  It is when I try and run VNC from
home to the Solaris8 box and then open a XWindow session on the Sparc5 that my
problem occurs.  I can view everything fine except one imaging program.
Everything comes to the home pc (set to display 1) except this one proprietary
software that sends the display to the Solaris8 system (display 0) instead.

Is there a VNC command to share a display or is that an XWindow question OR
could VNC have some other function/command that would allow the entire screen
to be captured like when it runs in a Windows environment?

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated?!?!?  ;-)
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