Here is an xstartup file that works (and has worked from RH7.0-7.3)

xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
exec gnome-session #<----- NOTE exec here NOT &

This file lives in the $HOME/.vnc directory (along with the passwd file 
and the log and pid files).
This is pretty simple. My wife uses VNC from her windoze2K machine to 
read mail using
Mozilla on my RH 7.3 system (its safer).  The above is the xstartup file 
from her .vnc directory.

Hope this helps.


Harry Henderson wrote:

>Hello all, I have used the Windows version of the VNC server & viewer with 
>no problems.  I am new to the linux version.  I have some linux experience, 
>but am not an expert.  Hopefully these issues have been seen before and are 
>easily solvable, I am using RedHat 7.2, and vnc components v3.3.3r2-18.
>I can connect with the default script which shows the "twm" window 
>manager.  Many of my programs will not run properly, however.  Netscape, 
>along with a few other programs I tried running, seg faults.  So I tried to 
>get it set up to run gnome from xstartup.
>1.  I looked at xstartup, and the log file, and saw that xrdb was looking 
>for .Xresource in the current user's home directory.  I noticed in the log 
>that it was saying it couldn't find "xrdb" or ".Xresource".  xrdb is in my 
>path, but .Xresource was not in my home directory.  I copied it from root's 
>home folder, and those error messages went away, but it is still not behaving.
>2.  Why does it only work with my root password, even when 'harry349' ran 
>vncserver?  I changed the /tmp/.X11-unix permissions as suggested in FAQ, 
>with no change in behavior.
>3.  Panel issues - This is the crux of my problem.  I've tried various 
>xstartup files, the simplest doing nothing but
>gnome-session &
>and I also tried with the xrdb stuff before the gnome-session &.  I read to 
>use the "gnome-session &" to start gnome elsewhere on the net, but this 
>could be the problem.  Using gnome-session alone at the console does not 
>work; I use "startx".  But "startx" seems to reference display 0 directly, 
>and does not work properly if I put it in xstartup.
>At any rate, it starts gnome, but runs into problems when starting "The 
>Panel".  See attached JPG, where there are 10 copies displayed in the items 
>being launched, and the error message displayed.  Once I click either Yes 
>or No on that box a few times, the splash screen goes away, but the panel 
>never displays and I am left with an entirely blank blue 
>screen.  Middle-clicking is the only thing I can do, and it brings up my 
>application menu.  I can select anything in it like Netscape or other 
>programs that run fine on the console, and they simply seem to do nothing.
>I'm going to shut up for now, as inevitably I will leave out pertinent 
>information that anyone who is willing to try to help will have to ask for 
>me to find.  Please help if you can, I greatly appreciate it, thanks!
>[demime 0.99c.8 removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 
>panel_issues.jpg"; x-mac-type="4A504547"; x-mac-creator="4A565752]
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