> Hi,
> I'm trying to use the DisableTrayIcon key in the registry but am having
> problems with it. The documentation I've got (and everything I can find)
> tells me to set this as 1 - but the icon is still appearing.
> I've got curious users who like to click on new icons and close any
> software they don't recognise - which is a bit of a problem! If I can get
> this key to work, maybe I can save a lot of headaches.
> I've got it set as: DWORD, DisableTrayIcon, value 1.
> This is supposed to remove the icon - but it doesn't.
> Am I doing something wrong? Or is there genuinely a problem with this
> setting? I've seen a couple of other posts on the list with the same
> problem but no answers (and these are dated last September so I know I'm a
> bit behind...).
> Any help would be most appreciated.
> Many thanks,
> Su Warren
> Su Warren
> Network Support Technician
> Witan Jardine
> 13 Southampton Place
> London WC1A 2AL
> Tel: 020 7404 4004
> Please visit us on the Internet:
> http://www.witanjardine.co.uk/
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