I'm sorry, I just double checked.  The location of the key you need to delete for 
Win9x machines
is actually found here:


So it's in RunServices rather than Run, however, as I said, in a Win9x environment, if 
the user logs on
fast enough, the icon may still appear even if you delete out that entry.  This has to 
do with when
VNC starts as a service, it tries to display the icon anyway on a Win9x machine, so if 
the user is able
to log in before the service starts initializing, the icon will show up, so you may 
want to institute those
other 2 registry keys anyway.  One further possibility would be to use a file resource 
editor to edit the icons integrated with the winvnc.exe file and change them to be a 
slate gray, so even though the icon
may appear, it will be indistinguishable from the system tray.  Hope this helps.

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