Thanks all,

I tried everything suggested, and so far nothing has worked.

> I've seen this happen with DNS problems based on the VPN.  It depends on 
> what your DNS server is set to at the time.  To check this, try using the 
> ip address of the machine that you want to connect to instead of the host 
> name.  If it works, then it's the way your VPN is handling the DNS.  And 
> for that issue, you'd have to consult your docs. :)

I used IP address of the machine I'm connecting to, and same thing happens.
That is, I get prompted for password, and after carefully entering password,
nothing happens.

> Did you open Ports 1723 and 47 on your router?

Yes, I did, and same result. I get prompted for password and after entering
it, nothing happens.

> Have you tried connecting to the VNC Server with different encoding modes,

> and using different Viewers? What version is the VNC Server running?

No, I haven't. How do I change encoding modes? I'm using version 3.3.6 of
both server and client.

> Lastly, try dialing down the MUTE on your Win2k PC. I've
> recently used "ispeed" to do this; you can use it to find out the
> maximum MTU size your Internet connection supports, and then you
> can set your NIC's MTU to that size.

Since the client machine is at home, I won't be able to try it until I get
home tonight. I will try and let you know if that works.

Thanks for all the suggestions and helps. If anyone can think of other
things to try, please let me know. 

-- Emi

> I'm having this problem. I've seen similar questions posted here but
> seen solution to it yet.
> Here's what I have:
> I want to VNC to my work PC using VPN (Cisco). I have DSL at home, and my
> home PC is on LAN. (DSL modem, router, wireless card for each PC's.) I
> and bring up the VNC Viewer. It prompts me for the machine name and
> password, and after entering those correctly, nothing happens. I can ping
> the machine I'm trying to VNC to.
> Both my work and home PC's have Win 2k with sp 2.
> I can VNC to my machine from my colleague's PC. My colleagues have no
> trouble doing VPN and VNC. Some on Win 98, but few are on Win 2k (don't
> if they have sp2 though).
> I would really like to have this working. For any help, thanks in advance.
> -- Emi
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