>>>Unless you have added encryption to it, the passwords are not encrypted.
>>Please explain the discrepancy between the claim above and FAQ #55:
>I will freely admit that I have not studied the source code
>thoroughly.  I can think of three possible explanations for
>the discrepancy.  There may be others.
>1. This feature was added in the last four months.
>2. The document you cited is inaccurate.

Passwords are authenticated on-the-wire using a challenge/response 
algorithm.  For storage on the server, they are typically stored in a 
reversible, obfuscated fashion, but not really encrypted.  The 
rationale, I believe, is that if you can read the password from the 
machine, it's as good as hacked anyway without VNC's help.

>3. Several people on VNC mailing lists don't know
>    as much as they seem to know.

I think most of the "old timers" know enough - VNC is a simple enough 
system that it's hard to forget.

from:     Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
website:  http://www.chromatix.uklinux.net/
geekcode: GCS$/E dpu(!) s:- a21 C+++ UL++ P L+++ E W+ N- o? K? w--- O-- M++$
           V? PS PE- Y+ PGP++ t- 5- X- R !tv b++ DI+++ D G e+ h+ r++ y+(*)
tagline:  The key to knowledge is not to rely on people to teach you it.
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