On Dec 7, 2007 11:24 AM, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for everyone's contributions. I looked at the various
> suggestions, claims and facts and
> experimented a bit to discover the following:
> 1 - winvnc4.exe runs the same from any directory
> 2 - command-line execution of vncconfig.exe only applies to 'user' mode
> not to 'service' mode

     If you want to change parameters in service mode, use:
vncconfig -service

> 3 - only the rt-click : Options... will look at 'service' mode config data

     See above

> [snipped]
> 9 - winvnc4.exe -register /-start / -stop / -unregister may not be
> required in all cases, but
> it appears to be a complete, reliable, repeatable sequence -- nice for
> scripts. The
> Win services list does show the VNC service as it should be.

     FYI, you could also use Windows' way of stopping and starting service,
net stop winvnc4
net start winvnc4

     Personally, I suppose this is better.

> So, I considered the simplified case of attempting to affect a single,
> service-mode config
> parameter. However, none of the following or their variants have any
> affect on the the
> Port Number parm when verified via the rt-click : Options... of the
> service icon. In fact,
> it appears that nothing except the -register command-line switch is
> recognized.

     Since you've started to play with the registry, I'd suggest you:
stop the service, change port number, restart the service

     For me, this works.

None of these do anything except "register" the service; other
> parameters are ignored.
> The syntax listed by >winvnc4 -help is:
>  >winvnc4 -register <options...>
> where <setting>=<value> is listed as the syntax for parameters
> and PortNumber is listed as a parameter. Perhaps there is something else
> missing from
> the sequence for using winvnc4.exe?
>  >winvnc4 -register PortNumber=5977
>  >winvnc4 -register -portnumber=5977
>  >winvnc4 -register -portnumber 5977
>  >winvnc4 -register "PortNumber=5977"
>  >winvnc4 -portnumber=5977 -register
>  >winvnc4 -register -vncconfigfile config.vnc
>  >winvnc4 -register -vncconfigfile c:\...\config.vnc
>  >winvnc -portnumber=5977
> ...starts VNC in user mode, but also ignores the parameter

     I'm afraid you misread, or misunderstood the command line options.
It's written that "Parameter values specified on the command-line override
those specified by other configuration methods", but I DON'T think that
would imply that the parameter WILL BE written to the original parameter.
Anyway, when I use
winvnc4 PortNumber=5902

I was able to verify that the port 5902 was indeed open, instead of 5900.
But this VNC is in user mode.

While I will write the scripts to modifying HKLM to configure the vnc4
> service, I'd
> expected something a bit more usable from the command line for VNC.
> However,
> I would still find it instructive to know the root cause of these
> symptoms and what
> is required to utilize command-line options when establishing a vnc4
> service.
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