Why do we assume the caller has the right to place calls from the number
he’s using?

If you can call him back and reach him at the number from which he is
calling, then I would have a stronger reason to believe that he actually
has the right place calls from that number.

But in the absence of good evidence that he has right to place calls from
that number, this sounds like an attempt to get your assistance to prevent
a different person from being able to place calls. I would make a complaint
to your state attorney general office; that’s where most of the Telecom
fraud and scam investigations are occurring in the USA. If there is
anything at all that has been said that was misleading, or the caller
doesn’t have the right to call from that number, that could qualify as
criminal fraud.

On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 13:40 Paul Timmins via VoiceOps <
voiceops@voiceops.org> wrote:

> I wonder if the plan is to spoof a victim's number and  get people to
> block someone who is about to be victimized to prevent them from
> complaining or stopping some form of fraud that they're planning.
> Did the stir/shaken header on this call indicate it came from Verizon
> Wireless?
> On Sep 19, 2023, at 1:31 PM, Christopher Aloi via VoiceOps <
> voiceops@voiceops.org> wrote:
> Here is another link if that one didn't work -
> https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0dff3yxAUUyWu_Nd9ddlMGY8w#2023%5FSeptember%5F19%5F095014%5FEST-EDT%5FInbound%5F4845791377%5F7169616161%5F714
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 1:19 PM Christopher Aloi <cta...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I appreciate the concern, and the thought crossed our minds.  He called
>> twice and once ended up in sales and once in support and he didn't seem to
>> be interested in who he spoke with.
>> Here is a recording of the call..
>> https://vaspian-my.sharepoint.com/personal/caloi_vaspian_com/_layouts/15/stream.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fcaloi%5Fvaspian%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2F2023%5FSeptember%5F19%5F095014%5FEST%2DEDT%5FInbound%5F4845791377%5F7169616161%5F714%2Emp3&ga=1
>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 1:12 PM Carlos Alvarez via VoiceOps <
>> voiceops@voiceops.org> wrote:
>>> Is it possible that he’s fixated on a specific employee?  Not to be
>>> alarmist, but it’s worth asking around.  I once had a situation where I
>>> noticed some crazy calling activity in a log, just by coincidence, and
>>> found that an employee was being stalked/harassed.
>>> On Sep 19, 2023 at 10:08:33 AM, Christopher Aloi via VoiceOps <
>>> voiceops@voiceops.org> wrote:
>>>> Ha!  He did say "he has no self control".  Maybe just someone with some
>>>> mental challenges.
>>>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 1:05 PM Alex Balashov via VoiceOps <
>>>> voiceops@voiceops.org> wrote:
>>>>> Does your company provide anything of interests to addicts, or anyone
>>>>> with a compulsive habit they are trying to kick? (e.g. compulsive shopping
>>>>> for new VoIP handsets)
>>>>> > On Sep 19, 2023, at 12:52 PM, Christopher Aloi via VoiceOps <
>>>>> voiceops@voiceops.org> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Hey All,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I have a new one.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > We (hosted phone provider) have received three calls today from an
>>>>> individual asking us to block him from calling our company.  I can't 
>>>>> figure
>>>>> out his end game.  He's tried multiple times and didn't explain why when
>>>>> questioned.  He said multiple times he wanted his number to be blocked 
>>>>> from
>>>>> calling our company.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thoughts?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Could it be a social engineering attempt?  What for?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Chris
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Alex Balashov
>>>>> Principal Consultant
>>>>> Evariste Systems LLC
>>>>> Web: https://evaristesys.com
>>>>> Tel: +1-706-510-6800
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