Sorry about the capitalisation later on...

Bill Beatty wrote to Mark G
<<Your wonderful contribution in creating and maintaining vortex, suggests
opinions you express here are a rare lack of good judgement>>

Hi Mark,
             People like Bill and Jed retain their scepticism for a very
good reason. They have had experience, or have knowledge, of how literally
hundreds of "free energy" type schemes have worked out. They are
particularly wise to be sceptical about magnetic motors or exotic induction
schemes as these seem to attract the outright fraudsters, the dreamers and
the deluded, to claim success or, more importantly to claim to be on the
verge of success AND KEEP ON CLAIMING THIS INDEFINITELY whilst trying to
attract development capital or licence fees. When you express ideas like the
quoted section above, I am sure many of us start to get a sinking feeling.
We have seen it all before!

     It is surprising that you give credence to the claims of the Brady
motor because it so closely resembles other failed schemes of the past. They
seem to use as their theory that it is possible to "tap the energy of
magnets". They seem to misunderstand what magnetism does. A magnet has an
area around it which will attract a magnetic material or attract or repel
another magnet. The energy that is converted here is POTENTIAL ENERGY. It is
functionally equivalent to the energy contained in a compressed or extended
spring. The spring is compressed or extended because WORK has been done upon
it to compress or extend it. This takes ENERGY from somewhere else to do it.
There can be no free lunches using springs. Similarly with magnets.

    I have to guess but if you actually have something real then I should
imagine it involves the interaction of high frequency fields with an exotic
substance or exotically engineered (Ross Terrien's nano engineered helical
material comes to mind here) conventional substance (or both). Such
arrangements or materials are patentable and may indeed be "reverse
engineerable" by a competitor but this is not important. As long as you keep
the THEORY behind the construction of the machines secret (unless it would
be very obvious to infer it from the machines themselves) then just go ahead
and produce some prototypes - give a few to Jed to publicise - and the world
WILL beat a path to your door. Don't make them 1kw or above - that is too
useful. Make them bulky, about the size of a microwave oven, and generating
a couple of hundred watts. Once the news is out, mega rich corporations and
people will be throwing deals at you for enormous amounts of money for the
THEORIES behind your device because they will want to build  more powerful
machines, more compact machines etc. They will need the theory to do this!
It might be that the theories are relatively simple but they will still want
them immediately to get a head start on their competition -  the fact that
their own engineers might be able to duplicate or improve the machines in a
few months is not a problem - they could not afford to wait that long! You
will not need the toys...

Nick Palmer

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