Jones Beene posted

By the time the US consumer gets to "benefit" from this technology, the cost will have been inflated to whatever price the market will bear... and all indications are that the present administration is setting the stage for $5 per gallon gasoline at the pump, and equal inflation in methane prices, should they loose the next election (not likely, thanks to good Christians everywhere).

Are someone's "true colors" starting to shine through ?

I would think that the life span of such a well would be quite limited. Since this is a chemical reaction, it would seem to me that the water would have to migrate further and further outward in search of reactive material.

Given what it costs to drill such a well, $5 gas equivalent seems about right. I fail to see what economics has to do with religion. When your car's tank is empty, you're just glad that you can fill it up again.

Given inflation, $2 gasoline is the equivalent of 20¢ gasoline in 1960.

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