At 06:07 pm 18/05/2005 -0400, Jed wrote:

> Grimer wrote:
>> Surely, man is part of nature, and the Eifel tower is as natural as an ant 
>> hill.
>> Or do ants consider all those enormous anthills a blot on their landscape?
> If those African ants come over here as invasive species and start building 
> their hills everywhere, *I* will consider it an eyesore. I don't care what 
> the ants think. We already have mountains of invasive kudzu.

Never 'eard of it. I'll have to google.

   kud·zu (k?d'zu) 
   An eastern Asian vine (Pueraria lobata) having compound 
   leaves and clusters of reddish-purple flowers. It is 
   grown for fodder, forage, and root starch, and is a 
   widespread weed in the southeast United States.

Mmm... sounds quite pretty to me. And if you tried to cull it
no doubt a SPCK (Society for the Protection of Californian Kudzu)
organisation would instantly be formed and start sit down protests
outside your front door.  ;-)

Mind you, I know "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" 
but I'm no Romeo and I have to admit, the name Kudzu sounds pretty 
revolting.  8^(


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