Frank, consider the amount of energy expended daily in the quest to reduce fat. People actually pay money to go to the spa and workout. Couple the electric power output from the treadmill to batteries and the energy problem solves itself. Better still ride a bicycle as we will all be riding one soon enough.. the most efficent form of transportation the world has seen to date.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Grimer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: Mile-high Solar Towers: political ramifications

At 04:55 pm 18/05/2005 -0400, Jed wrote:

*Everything* has been paved over and replaced with
fast-food joints, convenience stores and parking lots. They cleaned up the
air and water pollution, but apparently it never occurred to anyone that it
would be good idea to leave some natural landscape or green spaces so the
kids could see trees and grass and sky instead of overhead wires, concrete
and pachinko parlors.

Surely, man is part of nature, and the Eifel tower is as natural as an ant hill.
Or do ants consider all those enormous anthills a blot on their landscape? Speaking as a civil engineer and a christian I'm all for levelling every hill and filling every valley. After all, it's only in the last hundred years or so that people have fallen in love with mountainous landscapes.

I suppose if people don't have a god to worship then they will seize upon a
golden calf - or nature - or even Elvis Presley and the Beatles.


Frank Grimer

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