At 12:13 PM 7/24/2005, Ed Storms wrote:

The issue is what we consider to be useful. A laboratory instrument is useful when it produces reproducible results based on an understandable process. The level of power only has to exceed the sensitivity of the detection devices by a suitable amount. Many cold fusion devices do this including the calorimeter used by Mitchell Swartz.

  Some many errors in a few sentences requires some clarification.

First, our multiring calorimeters are not the cold fusion devices -- which are Phusors.
Everyone at the misnamed LENR site seems to get that wrong.

  The multiring calorimeters,  with time integration in each of the rings,
require multiple forms of calibration including ohmic (thermal controls).
They have shown that thermoelectric and vertical mass flow calorimeters
are at risk to be seriously non-quantitative - even though some such as Ed prefer them and worse, some sometimes run them without multiple controls and in the illusion that
it does not matter where heat source is positioned.

re: multiring calorimetry: Swartz. M., "Consistency of the Biphasic Nature of Excess Enthalpy in Solid State Anomalous Phenomena with the Quasi-1-Dimensional Model of Isotope Loading into a Material", Fusion Technology, 31, 63-74 (1997)


A device useful in solving the energy needs of the world, which was the basis of the discussion in NG, is an entirely different animal. Granted, once CF is understood, small devices producing 50-100 watts will be very common. However, as far as I can determine, no one understands the effect well enough to create such a device or to amplify the effect in a practical way to levels that would be useful outside of a laboratory. I suggest the debate needs to focus on the real world and not on what we want to see happen some time in the unknown future.

I suggest those who want to seriously pursue cold fusion examine the facts. The papers published, including the quasi-1-dimensional model of loading which predicts codeposition and optimal operating points (and other things) indicates that we DO understand the effect
and its preconditions very well.

Swartz, M., "Quasi-One-Dimensional Model of Electrochemical Loading of Isotopic Fuel into a Metal", Fusion Technology, 22,
2, 296-300 (1992)

Swartz, M., "Isotopic Fuel Loading Coupled to Reactions at an Electrode", Fusion Technology, 26, 4T, 74-77 (December 1994)

Futhermore, each and every issue of the COLD FUSION TIMES which is put out (24 pages this issue), and every Conference proceeding (albeit with some 'cherry picking') demonstrates that we DO understand the effect, and many of us do build devices which some of us have shown outside of the laboratory
such as during the week of ICCF-10.

It is understood that some prefer to ignore engineering and solid state physics on this, and good luck them.


The debate is now shifting from the reality of the effect to its "usefulness". If we in the field want to be part of that debate, we need to acknowledge the important issues in this debate, not the issues in the last one. The important question in the present debate is how can the effect be amplified using a device that is simple, cheap, and long lasting. I suggest the electrolytic method, although useful for study, does not qualify. Even the plasma methods would not scale easily. The only method that looks practical is direct gas loading of the nuclear active environment (NAE). The limitation to scaling to high power using any technique is not knowing the characteristics of the NAE. Therefore, this is where I suggest the discussion needs to focus.


   Sorry your low-level devices are not long lasting, Ed.

FWIW, mathematics and engineering are the key, and they indicate that the desired reactions are NEITHER low energy nuclear reactions nor chemically assisted reactions. They are lattice assisted high energy nuclear reactions, where the lattice and low temperature bring the Bremsstrahlung down to the IR and locks it in due to skin depth. The lattice facilitates through quanta called Phusons which couple the energy of the excited nuclear state to the lattice through very large number sof phonons.

Swartz, M, G. Verner, "Bremsstrahlung in Hot and Cold Fusion", J New Energy, 3, 4, 90-101 (1999)

Swartz, M., "Phusons in Nuclear Reactions in Solids", Fusion Technology, 31, 228-236 (March 1997).

  Hope that clarifies.

         Dr. Mitchell Swartz


  Update of Cold Fusion Times

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