Grimer wrote..

>Interestingly enough, seeing BR as a
hydrodynamic phenomena neatly explains
something which I've never understood before,
i.e. why BR produces a searchlight type beam
in the synchrotron.

The transition from streamline flow in a
pipe (parabolic velocity distribution) to
turbulent flow (uniform velocity distribution)
can be seen as a transition from isotropic
micro vortices with their axes perpendicular
to the direction of flow to vortices with
their axes parallel to the flow direction. <<<<<<<<<  Notation by Richard.. as neat a description of a liquid vortex as I've seen
Now if BR electron orbits are oriented in
the same manner as turbulent flow vortices
then a collimated beam can be expected.

We recently used a "Q" beam lamp to study a new "Coanda Effect" ( double stacked bladed propeller with venturi effect between blades) being tested in our windowed water tank. The bright lamp permitted us to watch the thrust characteristics of the propeller. A reverse vortex appeared.

 It projected from the recess in the prop hub( used for the prop mounting bolt)  in a tight straight vertical pattern downward from the vertically mounted 3450RPM vertically mounted electric motor driven unit. The vortex did appear to repeatedly " cycle" in formation and decay. Drat that welder of ours for not having the new equipment finished for our 10,000 RPM run tests to see if we can get a UV and perhaps a gamma event from increasing the speed . Yes! we have a RAD meter handy.

The formation of the vortex is not nearly as interesting to us as the "cycling". This indicates we have a capacitor event taking place. hmmm!!


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