----- Original Message -----
From: "Merlyn"
> Contemplating collisions with Neutral or Negative Mass
> particles boggles the mind.
Not if you accept the argument and mathematics of Randall Mills, and others, that the electron itself is a negative-mass particle -
....not to be confused with Dirac's negative-energy electron - nor to be confused with the ant-particle, the positron. BTW does anyone know off-hand if Mills' positron is also negative mass?
Langmuir's paradox - the broader version - of unexpectedly fast electrons showing up in any low energy plasma (not just Hg) is probably a *sound* related phenomenon (Alfven wave) in which the sound (kinetic) component accelerates the electrons to a surprising energy, well beyond normal kinetics. One of the reasons why the Alfven wave has been suspected to be involved in OU.
Below is a site that you can't access without subscription, but all of the information mentioned in the abstract is available online elsewhere. It is almost unbelievable that the author did not mention Alfven waves in the abstract:
"Wave-Particle-Electric Field Synergetic Auroral Electron Acceleration" Altair Souza de Assis
Universidade Federal Fluminense, Caixa, Brazil

Abstract  We discuss afresh the problem of the auroral electron acceleration based on the controversy reports of Bryant, D. A. et al.: 1992, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 37, and Borovsky, J.: 1992, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 1054, related to which mechanism is more tenable to accelerate auroral electrons: dc electric field generated somehow in aurora or wave-particle interaction due to auroral wave turbulence? Here, we show that both mechanisms are important, and what is most likely to happen in aurora is that the turbulence and the dc electric field structure will assist each other so as to synergetically accelerate those electrons.

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