> From: Edmund Storms

> I presume that everyone who reads Vortex values truth and
> reality.  If this is true, I suggest you read what is
> written at the following link. The question raised by a
> mother who paid a dear price is being asked by
> people everywhere.  How big a lie must the government
> tell before honest people object and before the
> government is replaced?
> Ed Storms
> http://www.truthout.org/docs_2005/082005X.sht

It would appear that the link has been changed to:


The above link takes you to a lengthy written account that appears to be 
updated daily from the woman who lost her son in Iraq who wants to meet with 
Bush (who is on vacation).


    The president says he feels compassion for me, but the
best way to show that compassion is by meeting with me and
the other mothers and families who are here. Our sons made 
the ultimate sacrifice and we want answers. All we're asking
is that he sacrifice an hour out of his five-week vacation
to talk to us, before the next mother loses her son in Iraq.

    -- Cindy Sheehan, Camp Casey, Crawford, Texas


Steven Vincent Johnson

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