On Thursday 03 November 2005 01:16, Wesley Bruce wrote:
> That's the key. JP aerospace to orbit; people and supplies. A Heavy lift
> craft for anything bigger. Podkletnov's device could be made into a
> reactionless drive if we can get reliable mass production of his disks
> and steady high voltage power supply.  I'm in corrispondance with Dr
> Podklenov. Fission power and may be useful but fission rockets are out
> of date we have faster plasma drives with higher Isp. See
> http://www.ess.washington.edu/Space/propulsion.html  and
> http://prl.anu.edu.au/SP3/research/HDLT
> We don't realy needed big ships we can use a 200 m tether to bind the
> ship and its spent booster togeather to make a thing that spins at 1
> Rpm. We get adequate gravity for the crew. If Dr Podkletnov's disks are
> what I think they are then we can stack them for both propulsion and
> gravity and fly anywhere in a few days.

Again I state that big ships are necessary for morale, not to mention all 
the extra capability that they can afford.  Mission flexibility would be
greatly enhanced by a 'solar system exploration ship' that can go 
anywhere in the solar system.   Without getting into the fuel debate,
Podkletnoff's disks if stacked with some distance between them
and multiple stacks show potential for inertial damping.  Since according
to Dr Ning Li we are talking about 'electrogravity', a kind of right hand
rule/left hand rule intersection of electrical and magnetic forces  to
obtain a gravitational force at sufficient energies amongst themselves, then
living between the stacks will afford the ability to damp the acceleration
of propulsion drives capable of multiple 'g' forces.  Think about how a motor
works with reverse and forward EMF.  ElectGrav flow, or EG flow should
be no different.  And whilst we think about that one lets chew on a new
'standard model' not based on 9 or 16 fundamentals, but realize the
possibility of other fundamentals present in a now unknown new
standard model 'cube' or hypecube instead of a square.....27 instead
of 9 and 256 instead of 16.  Think about it!  Advanced societies that
have observed us derive their abilities from ....somewhere!
    Back to inertial damping.  This would free us from being shackled to
limited 'g' force tolerance in manned craft if the above were feasable
now or in the future.  Dr Li, I understand, may have returned to China.
If she has, it won't be the first lost opportunity because of short 
sightedness.  The ghost of Dr Hsein stalks the forwardlooking scientific
establishment of that land, and while some of their technology may
have been 'borrowed' from the west, I feel that much of it will prove
to be their very own.  Dr Li sought to use superconducting rotations
at the quantum level in her implementation of Dr Podkletnoff's device.
If this is so, the increase in effectiveness may be related to the relation
of particle size to intensity and speed of ordinary chemical reactions.
Makes sense if one views the universe in all its levels as a kind of
giant fractal.

Standing Bear  copyright 2005

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