People are conflating advances in hardware with advances in software.
Software has been stuck in the dark ages for decades and as a result has
metastasized to fill whatever capacity Moore's Law has provided with
linear, at best, advance in utility.  For many day-to-day operations the
responsiveness of systems like MS Windows has actually decreased.

There are real advances in software but they're generally buried in the

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 2:10 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint <>

> Hi Steven,
> Hope you and the catz are staying warm and dry...
> I guess my point was more of a general observation... I have long thought
> it interesting that Darwinian theory ala 'survival of the fittest' could be
> applied equally well to a localized population of animals and to something
> as large as an entire human civilization.  Fully agree with your comment
> about ISIS/ISIL, and I will add that probably all religions have had their
> 'embarrasing' eras of fanatical followers, and that by the time that era
> ends, much pain and suffering will have occurred.  The cycle will likely
> continue until the consciousness of the majority of the human population
> gets raised considerably... I think you ought to cut the Christians a bit
> if slack since they were sounding the warning about the fanatical side of
> Islam long ago, and the liberals used every opportunity to label them as
> racists/bigots.
> -mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 10:18 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [Vo]:doubling speed every 2 years for decades more, Intel
> silicon photonics now revolutionizing data centers, Michael Kassner: Rich
> Murray 2015.01.26
> > Steven:
> > Societies without some form of moral code, a shared sense of right and
> > wrong, usually don’t last long…
> Hi Mark,
> Agreed. But in the meantime, they can do a lot of damage and cause much
> pain and suffering before they implode. The real irony is that most believe
> they are truly following the highest moral code of all. I'm thinking of
> ISIS as an example.
> Again, I don't disagree with your point. However, is the point you are
> making in regards to Kurzweil's belief systems or is that my belief system
> you are referring to?
> Or something else?
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson

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