Is it similar to:

On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 10:59 AM, David Roberson <> wrote:

> It looks like a violation of Newton's law unless some of the field
> escapes the enclosure carrying momentum in the opposite direction of the
> force.  I hope it can work, but have my doubts without some exhaust.
> Dave
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <>
> To: vortex-l <>
> Sent: Mon, Mar 23, 2015 6:08 pm
> Subject: RE: [Vo]:prototype for "only" $99,000
>   From Frank
> Fascinating. They make it clear that the device is still a prototype. Hope
> they can pull it off. Thrust being 100-500 mN, I'm guessing that's the
> approximate weight (thrust) of a piece of paper as measured at the surface
> of Earth. Sounds similar to NASA's ion thrusters already in use on a couple
> of satellites. Very efficient.
> Why is it that Americans always round down the prices of their products
> with "9" nines, as if they think the dollar amount will look cheaper to the
> prospective buyer than if they used a bunch of zeros. I've heard many parts
> of Europe don't practice such silly accounting tricks.
> I'm curious. Does this technology violate Newton's Third Law?
> - For every action there must be an opposite reaction. -
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson

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