The following is overly simplistic, but also surprisingly intuitive for a
particular hypothesis, so it is worth the effort to try to get down an
explanation for the Rossi/Parkhomov effect . one containing less than a
thousand words, by using a few images.

Here is an image of the Li-7 nucleus. Keep in mind the single tenet that
like-charges repel. In a small nucleus, and ignoring QM for a moment in
favor of macro geometrical restraints this means that nesting of nucleons
becomes complicated. since in the case of 3 protons, they must be kept apart
by neutrons.

To oversimplify the point which will be made below: the red balls are the 3
protons, and they do not touch each other because the 4 neutrons form a
tetrahedron which effectively separates them, and a tetrahedron is an
especially stable geometry. Therefore, this isotope should be more stable
than one where like charges have the possibility of fleeting contact. In
fact, almost 93% of natural lithium is this particular isotope: Li7 despite
this isotope being a drip line anomaly in itself. 

That stable tetrahedral nesting arrangement at the core of Li7 is not the
case with lithium-6 however; and this nucleus becomes unstable, particularly
when stressed by incursion of positive charge (such as by the approach of a
proton). That is because the only stable geometry which we can visualize for
Li6 is to have a near-planar hexagonal arrangement of alternating neutrons
and protons, arranged somewhat like a benzene ring, which is not spherical
and not stable wrt the strong force:
Therefore, a planar structure like the one above, when it is located inside
orbiting electrons is itself unstable, and the natural charge-equalizing
tendency is for the hexagonal plane to revert to something more compact,
like a sphere. Therefore on occasion, and as several papers are now
suggesting, the lithium-6 nucleus temporarily takes the form of 3 deuterons,
arranged in the X,Y & Z axes where the neutrons of each deuteron are in
contact. This is where Efimov state comes into play.

Now the visual image of greatest impact is to imagine the 3 deuterons
expressing the Efimov "Halo Effect," which is state of oscillating balance
and "Russian nesting dolls" geometry as predicted by Efimov. This state
should function like a pump, among other possibilities.  But a pump for

For those who suspect that the Dirac sea, as expressed in Don Hotson's many
papers, is accessible as a point source, then one suggestion is that the Li6
nucleus can act like a pump for "something" which is intrinsic to the Dirac
sea. and since epos are ruled out by the lack of observed radiation, then
that something is most likely "spin", or a subset like angular momentum, or
a quantum of spin: a Dirac spinor, or something along those lines. 

Thus the Li6 nucleus would be the a gateway for spin energy coupling -
especially at a temperature where the 3-deuteron geometry is favored. This
temperature seems to be in the range of 1400K in the dogbone.

This hypothesis suggests that the key to the excess heat in dogbone-type
devices is lithium-6. The thermal anomaly will be maximized by enrichment in
the isotope, and should go away with all Li7. 

Thus, this hypothesis, despite being complicated in detail - is easily
falsifiable, unlike most of the other explanations floating around, which
generally fail due to the lack of observable high energy radiation. 

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