It sure looks like something is happening to change Li-6 to Li-7 in both 

The Ni isotopic changes sure seem to indicate that Ni-58 is involved as well as 
the formation of Cu-65.  What happens between 58 and 65 is not clear.  However 
it looks like there is a reaction that creates Cu isotopes.  Ni-63 (100 years 
half life) to Cu-63 (a beta decay reaction with no gamma) is a possibility.  
The amount of Cu to begin with would be useful, to understand how much Cu is 

If Cu-65 is formed in the reaction, the route to this stable isotope would 
potentially be the most important piece of information from this test.  

A possibility is Ni-65 to Cu-65, which does involve a 1 Mev gamma and seems 
inconsistent with the no-gamma testing. Ni-66 occurring  is unlikely also, 
since it involves a decay to Zn-66 with gammas involved via Cu-66. 

Analysis for Zn would also be desirable.  It would involve a chemical 
separation step to isolate Zn from Cu however, but could be still accomplished. 

The second sample seems to have a stronger Ni--Cu reaction.  Ni-59 may also 
have formed with a half life of 76,000 years.  It decays to Co-59 by electron 
capture and no gammas.  Mass spec data on Ni-59  and or Co-59 before and after 
would be interesting to add to understanding the reaction, whatever it is. 
Cobalt in the initial fuel would also be of interest to understand, if Co is 
made during the reaction.

I would be surprised if Rossi has not done similar isotopic analyses as 
suggested above.  

The importance of a good Mass Spec machine and a quantitative chemistry lab 
cannot be emphasized enough.  Since some of the suggested products are subject 
to neutron activation, a simple exposure to thermal neutrons with a gamma 
detector would also add greatly to the understanding of the before and after 
species present.  Small material samples are all that is needed for such 

Very significant results IMHO.

Bob Cook  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mark Jurich 
  Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 1:28 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Parkhomov Ash Analysis Discussion - Preliminary


  Here is a link to the latest updated Elemental <> Isotope Analysis in
  Excel XLSX SpreadSheet (Sheets 1 & 2) Format:

  Mark Jurich

  From: Mark Jurich 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 12:02 AM
  Subject: [Vo]:Parkhomov Ash Analysis Discussion - Preliminary

  As many of you know, some preliminary Elemental Analysis (SIMS?)
  and ICP-MS of Parkhomov Ash/Fuel were released during ICCF-19 in
  Padua, Italy.
   At the FaceBook MFMP Site, some pictures of the analysis
  were taken and posted:

  From the Elemental Analysis, it roughly looks like Ni is lost with a 
  gain in Cu, but we all know how careful one has to be analyzing this.
  Some of the Nickel might have coated something other than the “ash.”
  Due to some issue, the Li Analysis is incomplete and will most likely be
  resolved soon.  I believe Parkhomov has 2 more Fuel/Ash Analysis being
  undertaken at this time, also (EDX and ?).

  An incomplete picture of the ICP-MS Analysis roughly shows the following
  (amongst other things & if we assume Rows 1 & 2 are Ash Analysis and
  Row 3 is the Fuel Analysis):

    6Li –>  7Li
  58Ni –>  64Ni

  Obviously, it’s not as simple as this, but I wanted throw a “bone” out
  there for us to chew on.

  My guess is that Row 1 is a Best Run, Row 2 is a Pretty Good Run and
  Row 3 is the Starting Fuel (since Li, Ni & Cu are at almost Natural 
  Tomorrow morning I will talk to a Russian American and try to decipher the 
  since no one at the MFMP Site has done it yet...

  6Li is depleted by half, with the difference showing up as 7Li.
  64Ni shows a gain of about 5 with the loss roughly showing up in 58Ni.
  65Cu Values & ? seem to be cut off in the picture, and hopefully we will get
  this data soon.

  What do YOU think is happening?

  As soon as I get a chance, I will post further links from the MFMP and E-Cat
  World Sites for the Internet-Challenged amongst us.

  Mark Jurich

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