In reply to  Bob Cook's message of Thu, 18 Jun 2015 22:54:43 -0700:

Yes, that's basically what I had in mind. Note however that in order for net
energy to be released a nuclear reaction of some kind has to occur. Perhaps
Rossi's theoretician is correct, and Li needs to be stimulated to a higher
energy level before the fusion reaction can take place. NMR might be the
mechanism that does that. If so, then it should be possible to engineer a much
improved device, by concentrating on the gyromagnetic ratio of Li7 and providing
frequency and magnetic field strengths to match.
However there is also the possibility that as the Li7 becomes excited, the
gyromagnetic ratio will change (due to a change in structure of the nucleus).
This could be another reason that the varying magnetic field is important:- it
can "follow" the change and supply the correct field strength repeatedly.

>It is my understanding that the resonance with magnetic dipoles of a nucleus 
>is with a RF signal that invokes a small energy shift in the subject 
>nucleus.  These resonances are modified by a magnetic field.  The energy 
>absorbed in a resonant transition reflects a differential spin quantum 
>number from the ground (unexcited) energy state of the subject nucleus.  The 
>energy associated with a single spin quanta is small.  It may be possible to 
>excite nuclear magnetic dipoles by more than one quanta and reach a higher 
>excited energy state than one spin quanta above the base.   The resulting 
>"eximer" may not decay to the original base state, but to an entirely 
>different nucleus with a loss of mass (spin energy mass) distributed as 
>thermal energy to the rest of the coherent system to which it is coupled.
>In the case of LiAlH bonded to a Ni nano particle, maybe with dissolved H in 
>the Ni lattice, all of  which is a coherent system.
>Bob Cook
>-----Original Message----- 
>Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 8:13 PM
>Subject: Re: [Vo]:Cat stimultion
>In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Thu, 18 Jun 2015 20:43:15 -0400:
>>Natural gas did not work. Its more than just heat.
>That's interesting. It made me think of MRI where resonance occurs for a
>specific combination of frequency and magnetic field strength. If a constant
>frequency is available then resonance could be achieved by regularly varying 
>magnetic field strength as would occur with AC current.
>Knowing your penchant for all things magnetic, I guess you have already
>suggested this. :)
>Robin van Spaandonk

Robin van Spaandonk

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