If an ideal magnetic wave form is applied to a proton in the nucleus, the
spin of the proton can receive energy from the magnetic spin field if the
impedance of the two waveforms are matched. This added energy can increase
the energy level of the proton enough to transform the proton into a
neutron. About 400,000 electron volts of added magnetic spin energy are
required to transform a proton into a neutron inside the nucleus.

This EMF mechanism is the way isotopic shifts occur in LENR.

It is important to understand that the magnetic waveform that excites the
proton must be of an ideal matching charactor to get the proton to
transform. Not any old magnetic waveform will do this job.

On Sat, Jun 20, 2015 at 12:40 PM, Frank Znidarsic <fznidar...@aol.com>

> From my book Energy Cold Fusion and Antigravity.  The equations may not
> text.
> The spectral lines, emitted by glowing matter, vary greatly in intensity.
> Bohr’s semi-classical atomic model could not account this variation in
> intensity.  Werner Heisenberg offered a solution that arranged the
> properties of the atom on a matrix.  Planck’s empirical constant was
> inserted ad-hoc, by Heisenberg, into the formulation as a commutative
> property of matrix multiplication.  Heisenberg’s solution gave the
> intensity of the spectral emissions and established the field of quantum
> physics.  The formability did not, however, reveal the underlying action.
> Louis deBroglie proposed that matter is a wave.  Erwin Schrödinger
> incorporated deBroglie’s wave into his wave equation.  Schrödinger’s result
> also produced the intensity of the spectral emissions.  The introduction,
> of the deBroglie wave, produced a cleaner solution but, in the process, it
> introduced many conceptual problems.  How do the discrete properties of
> matter emerge from a continuous wave?  Schrödinger proposed that the
> superposition of an infinite number of waves localized the matter wave.
> Wave patterns repeat at intervals.   This solution suggested that the
> particle reappears at intervals in remote locations.  It was said that a
> particle emerges, from the probability wave, upon the immediate collapse of
> the deBroglie wave.  This action progresses within a mathematical
> configuration space.  The interpretation did not provide a mechanism to
> bind the electron to a state, disclose the whereabouts of configuration
> space, or explain how the deBroglie wave collapses at a superluminal
> speed.  Bohr’s principle of quantum correspondence was invoked in an
> attempt to explain why the energy of a quantum wave is associated with
> frequency and the energy of a classical wave is associated with amplitude.
> Schrödinger also injected Planck’s empirical constant ad-hoc into his
> solution.  Heisenberg and Schrödinger knew nothing of the path of the
> quantum transition.  Their solutions did not directly incorporate the
> probability of transition.
> In 1916 Einstein published the famous paper “*Emission and Absorption of
> Radiation in Quantum Theory*”. This paper stated that the probability of
> transition could be increased through the action of an external
> stimulation.  This stimulative process was applied, in a limited way, to
> the development of the LASER.  Znidarsic observed a stimulative process at
> work within cold fusion cells.  The action of this stimulative process is
> universal.  The quantum transition progresses by the way of its action.
> The matter wave does not collapse instantaneously.  It contracts at the
> nuclear speed *Sn*.  The amplitude (displacement) of vibration, of the
> speed *Sn* squared, is proportionate to the probability of transition.
> The resulting vibration shakes the electron free of the grip of the
> particle like discontinuity *rp* and stimulates the emission of a wave
> like photon.  Chemically assisted nuclear reactions are induced by an
> intense stimulation.
> In review, the energy levels of the atom are established as the electron
> attempts to take every path into the nucleus.  The only open paths are ones
> of matching impedance.  Paths of matching impedance end at points of
> matching speed.  The radii of the hydrogen atom were produced as effects
> of this speed match in (15).  These radii describe the structure of the
> stationary atomic states.  Equation (15) was shown again below.
> (15)
>                      The impedance matched interpretation of quantum
> physics was quantified through an equality in the nuclear and electronic
> speeds in (22).
> (22)
> Sn = 2p (light speed in a dielectric)
> The bound electron resonates at its natural frequency *fa*.  The speed of
> (22) was re-factored in (23) as the product of the atomic frequency *fa*
> and the atomic radius *ra*.  Harmonics of the atomic frequency *n*
> exist.  The speed *Sn* is conveyed by vibrations within the stationary
> atomic state.
> (23)
>    The action that is expressed in (23) was inserted into the structure
> of (15).  The solution (24) acts like a filter.  It extracts the vibration,
> at the frequency *nfa*, that can exist within the confines of the
> structure.
> (24)
>    The reduction of (24) produced (25).  The radius *ra2 *is the
> amplitude of harmonic motion squared.  The probability of transition is
> proportional to *ra2*.  The intensity of a spectral emission varies
> directly with this probability.
> (25)
>    The constants in equation (25) were regrouped in (26) and the
> numerator and denominator were multiplied by a factor of *4**p.*
> (26)
>    The reduction of the factors within the brackets *[ ]* produced
> Planck’s constant.  Plank’s constant emerged as a dependent variable.  The
> result (27) is the well-known formulation for the amplitude of electronic
> harmonic motion squared.  The derivation of (27) constitutes a large part
> of a first class in quantum mechanics.
> The frequency of a classical wave is coupled to the frequency of the
> emitter.  Equation (27) shows that the frequency of an emitted spectrum is
> coupled to the frequency of the atomic vibration *fa*.  The energy of a
> classical wave varies with the square of its amplitude.  Equation (27)
> shows that the intensity of an electromagnetic emission varies with the
> square of the amplitude of the electronic vibration *ra2*.  The result
> (27) emerged classically as a condition of an impedance match.  No
> paradoxical quantum principles were required.
> (27)
>    The strength of the expelled electromagnetic, nuclear spin orbit, and
> gravitomagnetic forces increases with the square of the amplitude of
> harmonic motion *ra2*.  The probability of transition varies directly
> with the strength of the expelled fields.  Time is metered by the action of
> these probabilities.  The intensity of the spectral emissions appeared as
> an effect of a classical impedance match.

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