"I read your paper. It's very good. For a six page WORD doc it manages to cast significant light on the socio-economic complexities our society is in the process of inheriting such as advancing robotics, AI, and automation. The Vort Collective has been debating many of these issues for years."

Thank you for your kind words. I have to confess I thought I was replying to Mats Lewan not to Vortex, so I was surprised to see it, complete with attachment, appear on Vortex. Maybe thanks to an administrator who fixed it.

My basic concern is the state our politics has got into. I can't see any of the present bunch handling the problems that I foresee until forced to by riots or a revolution. The thought of having to support large numbers of unemployed is completely foreign to them. The good news is that Aftenposten, Norway's largest newspaper , has reported they have expert third party confirmation that Rossi's 1 MW thermal LENR plant is working well. It is now at about 168 days of the 350 day trial. If, as now looks likely, LENR works, it should solve a lot of problems.


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