Martin Luther King Jr.'s final advice, before he was assassinated, was to
follow Henry George's advice to attack poverty directly with a citizen's
dividend.  They shot MLK because he proposed a race-neutral approach to
"souther poverty" and if there is one thing the Souther Poverty Law Center
cannot abide, it is something that would reduce their race-baiting
fear-mongering with which they extort money from wealthy Jews that fear
US-based neo-Nazi holocaust.

A deal was cut with guys like Jesse Jackson and the SPLC to keep the
emphasis on racial preferences under affirmative action rather than a
citizen's dividend so they could continue to pound on working class
southern whites as the scapegoats for social ills.  Gilder is basically
just keeping up the "conservative" side of that false dilemma by promoting
socialization of the cost of protecting property rights so the rich get

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Chris Zell <> wrote:

> I recall that the notion of a basic guaranteed income actually came up
> during the Nixon administration.  They kicked around the idea of getting
> rid of the whole welfare establishment and just hand out cash instead.
> Reagan also observed the huge expense of welfare as opposed to the actual
> benefits getting to the recipients.
> I don't know how such an arrangement comes into being while we suffer
> under the opposite condition of most wealth being tightly centralized.  How
> does this change without violence or revolution against the oligarchs?
> We're gonna need a miracle.

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