The problem with Holmlid’s work is that he uses an extremely small amount of 
reactant – trillions of times less than in a Rossi reactor. This tiny scale 
makes it very difficult to extrapolate what he is doing to a larger size.


Holmlid’s work looks like a miniature NOVA/NIF hot fusion device (Livermore 
Lab) more than it resembles LENR.

…since the input and output are hot, and only the target is cold (which is the 
same general situation at LLNL).


I have no problem with calling Holmlid’s work LENR if - when it is scaled-up, 
the radiation level does not also scale-up to the toxic level – which it 
arguably would with massively more 13 MeV “particles” – whatever they are.


The one and only defining characteristic for LENR - should be this: gain above 
chemical levels, with acceptably low ionizing radiation. No one cares about the 
power input being a laser, or a SPP chip, nor whether the reactor is glowing, 
so long as it is safe.


From: Axil Axil 


I will reread Leif Holmlid muon paper again with your comments in mind to see 
if there is any observations that shed light on your posits. 


Jones Beene wrote:


I may have missed it, but how do you account for the short lifetime of the muon 
and why is that signature not showing up? 

The muon is unstable with a lifetime of 2.2 microseconds (2.197×10^−6 sec) and 
since they have a mass much larger than an electron, but decay to an electron 
and neutrino, the decay is energetic. If lots of them were being produced, then 
there should be a primary and secondary radiation signature – bremsstrahlung - 
from the thermalization of decay electrons. This signature is known, and if 
seen would validate your hypothesis.

From: Axil Axil 

Posts combined revised and extended as follows:

The appearance of muons in the LENR reaction are explained by SPP theory.


Muon detection studied by pulse-height energy analysis: Novel converter 


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