Muons are harmless...thank goodness.

On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 12:57 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> As a wsy to shield muon radiation, the LENR reactor could be buried
> underground in a silo with  the depth of the hole determined by the health
> effects produced by the expected muon flux.
> On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> The flow of Muons from the "Mouse" into the "Cats" in Rossi's Self
>> Sustain mode (SSM) configuration looks like an application of a muon chain
>> reaction that you speculate about. We will need to watch Rossi to see what
>> type of health problems he develops from his time inside the shipping
>> container.
>> Someone should tell Rossi about the possiblity of muons comming out of
>> his reactor then ask Rossi how he will deal with the muon flux coming out
>> of his reactor
>> On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 11:54 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:
>>> *From:* Axil Axil
>>> Ø
>>> **
>>> <>
>>> Ø       The Effects of Lead Shielding on Muon Counts…. If you are near
>>> a LENR reactor, tt looks like lots of muons will get to and into the body.
>>> I wonder if muons are harmful?
>>> Aside from the possible (likely) harm from muons, the curious and
>>> disturbing thing about this paper is that the authors:
>>> 1)      expected to see a decreasing rate of muon counts as more lead
>>> above the detectors was added,
>>> 2)      They were extremely surprised to see that when going from 15cm
>>> to 20cm of lead, the count rate of muons actually increased
>>> 3)      This data point was extremely unexpected. They had expected
>>> that the rate of decrease of the muon count rates would have slowed, but
>>> the last thing expected was for the count rates to actually increase.
>>> That is a lot of lead, first of all. Even then, it never blocked all the
>>> muons. For the muon count to increase, with thicker lead, this means
>>> that some kind of chain reaction is happening above a thickness level,
>>> but muon keep progressing thought the metal.
>>> As an analogy – (of how LENR could benefit from this) consider the known
>>> parameters of fission … a chain reaction of neutrons is the driver of
>>> fission reactors, and thus the concept of a chain reaction of muons is
>>> intriguing. Can muons be harvested?
>>> As for using this information in a practical manner, the main problem
>>> is that tons of lead would be needed for even a small reactor - and in
>>> the end – the question is whether they can be converted into energy.

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