The muon or maybe its father the pion is the connection between physics and
chemistry that typifies LENR. If there is a swarm of pions in and around
the nucleus, nuclear reactions are sure to occur. Pions may be more
pernicious then neutrons in terms of nuclear disruption.

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 1:17 PM, <> wrote:

> Muons  forms from decay of pions. There are different pions and ways of
> decays but some without gamma, for example Pi+=U`+ neutrino.
> The Pions are involved in nuklear reactions as proton neutron exchange.
> * <>*
> The Muons in Holmlids measurements may come from Pion decay.
> And the Muons must be an essential part in the LENR reactions.
> I had Holmlid as lecturer in physical chemistry and thermodynamics long
> time ago.

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