From: Steve High []
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 8:41 PM
To: Vortex <>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Program and Abstracts of the All Russian Symposium

Yes, I have read the circumstances of his death but that does not answer the 
basic question of whether his technology worked or not.  If it did, somebody 
out there should have been able to replicate at least part of it.

The only evidence I ever heard of was a very old Sci Am article in which a 
radium coated antenna appeared to generate a stronger reception signal 
(although together with much random noise).  I recall someone named Moreland 
made claims similar to Brown  but few details were published.

There is an emotional component about random radioactive decay – as anything 
contrary is usually brought up by Creationists. A classic paper by Emery 
(Embry?) is usually quoted as exhaustively showing that absolutely nothing can 
influence the rate of decay.  However, I still wonder about thin film layers 
and HV – also NMR effects.  A physicist at American University claimed an 
influence of 1 x 10 -5 power on Beta decay but I never heard further about it.

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