Well, OTEC is a good metaphor – but without disagreeing with Jed’s assessment, 
the operative detail left out is that empty “space” is arguably the virtual 
heat sink which would express temperatures near absolute zero (on paper). The 
idea is that ambient heat transfers to a virtual heat sink, which is very cold. 

Of course, the normal way to do this is via a refrigerant, but refrigeration 
takes work. Mark mentions propane – a refrigerant (it is not burned). For Papp, 
xenon and other noble gases do the same. Can one cool via a refrigerant using 
the same work which is later harvested? Mainstream science of course says … 
(shouts)… NO WAY.

Anyone who witnesses a bona fide the Papp replication attempt (not the “popper” 
LOL) … often comments that the engine runs cold. Why? It is part of the M.O.

I suspect, but do not know – that Rauen’s engine will run cold (assuming it is 
working). I hope to be among the first to witness this.

From: Jed Rothwell 

Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
Like the Papp engine, there will be strong disagreement over the thermodynamic 
issues involved . . .
That is putting it mildly! I think most people would say it is a flat-violation 
of the laws of thermodynamics. You cannot run anything on "atmospheric heat" 
because the atmospheric temperature is uniform, except on a giant scale that I 
do not think any human technology can achieve at present. I guess you could tap 
atmospheric heat if the heat sink is outside the atmosphere, like a gargantuan 
OTEC generator in air instead of water.
As for Papp, there is an overload of worthless anecdote still floating around 
the net, but no independent evidence to suggest that a functional prototype was 
ever built. It is all “stand” (with lots of arm waving) and no “deliver”.
Ha, ha! Well said.

One thing for sure, Papp and Rossi seem to have been cast from the same mold – 
part inventor, part showman, and 100% controversial.

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