>From Lennart,


> ... However, to me it is really sad that BLP need to go to court

> to resolve this type of issues. IMHO there is no upside for either

> party regardless of the outcome.


Indeed. IMO, there is really only one definitive way to settle the matter. 
Build a working prototype proving OU is occurring. Filing a law suit to go 
after Grump and his cohorts accomplishes diddly squat other than eating up 
valuable man-hours and financial resources better spent on building the 
promised prototype. ...to paraphrase a famous saying from a popular movie "If 
you build it, [they] will come." For now, all the Gump has to say is "Where's 
the beef! You've been promising us eminent delivery of a quarter pound double 
cheeseburger for how long now??? I rest my case." IMO, BLP would be wise not to 
press the matter in court. It might be the primary reason why there hasn't been 
much said about the matter since. Going forward, seeking damages, IMO, is more 
likely to end up hurting BLP's image more than any so-called legitimate 
scientific evidence filed in court claiming verification of scientific findings 
would show. Again, No cheeseburger? Grump goes free.


> The only guys laughing all the way to the bank are the lawyers.





Steven Vincent Johnson




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