On 09/27/2015 03:49 PM, Axil Axil wrote:
Mesons are produced first then muons are produced by meson decay. Holmlid states that mesons are generated by Rydberg hydrogen matter when stimulated by light, Rework your theory to cover these outlier facts.

Well then, in order for my "theory" (we're not even there yet) to be valid, or at least applicable here, (and leaving your "first" aside) mesons too would have to be produced as a result of synthesis, i.e. as a kind of reverse decay. And then we have a problem, because mouns are in the meson decay path... unless (and remember, we're in fantasy land) mesons are too the (secondary) end result of a synthesis of already synthesized mouns, and available background muon neutrinos. Some muons gets synthesized further into pions, again due to the interaction with the background neutrino flux. These pions then decay into muons again via conventional meson decay, and there your "first" is applicable. I'm now thinking that maybe(just maybe) a whole gamut of reverse beta decay reactions is available, under certain specific conditions (let's say, inside an ultra dense material, which is electromagnetically stimulated). And then you suddenly have transmutation, and fusion, the whole range of effects, just as the direct result of a new kind of reaction, which is the reverse of beta decay. It could be called reverse beta decay or, better, (neutrino based) hadron synthesis.


On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 2:32 PM, Mauro Lacy <ma...@lacy.com.ar <mailto:ma...@lacy.com.ar>> wrote:

    On 09/27/2015 11:23 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

    To summarizethepresent LENRsituation, ifLeifHolmlid’s workis

    The importantspecificdetail which is easy to overlook, since
    manygroupshave pursuedmuon catalyzed fusion “MCF”for decades, is
    thatnowin 2015,thereappears to betwo basic varietiesof MCF–the
    old version requiringhighenergy input andthe new version which is
    more robust- andis alow energyprocess

    Let’s call them

    1) MCF/h…which can be triggered by an accelerator beam which
    produces muons, or by cosmic ray muons

    2) MCF/c… which can be triggered by muons which are produced/in
    situ/by the dynamics of the reaction itselfand thus involves
    positive feedback and a limited chain reactionwith little gamma
    or neutron radiation.

    What if mouns are produced or synthesized /in situ/ from the
    background neutrino flux? i.e. the reverse reaction to Moun decay
    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muon#Muon_decay> is occurring. In
    moun decay, a muon decays into a muon neutrino, and(via a W⁻
    boson) an electron and an electron antineutrino. Sadly, I don't
    know enough particle physics to know if the reverse reaction is
    possible(let's call it neutrino-based muon synthesis), but
    energetically it certainly is, because of this muon decay mode.
    What about the needed electron antineutrinos? What about other
    possible paths for neutrino-based muon synthesis?

    The ultra dense material is acting then as kind of "fishing net"
    for the elusive neutrinos. In a form of neutrino capturing
    process, in this particular case first an electron in the material
    interacts with an electron antineutrino, producing a W⁻ boson, and
    then that boson promptly encounters a muon neutrino, producing a
    moun. Those mouns in turn go ahead and cause some muon catalysed

    And there you have it. The lack of gammas can be because muons
    produced this way have just the right kinetic energy to cause MCF
    without releasing gammas. Which begs the question, I know, but, in
    fantasy land we all can be happy, and have what we need for our
    dreams to come true. What I'm saying is that of course this may be
    a totally impossible reaction, for very good (and already known)
    reasons. But I thought that I'll mention it here, nevertheless. As
    was once famously said, only those who wager can win.


    This mirrors nuclear fusion itself, where there is hot fusion and
    cold fusion.

    All of the companies in theMCFfield, and most of the R&D prior to
    Holmlid, waspursuingMCF/h. The economics for MCF/h appear to be
    hopelessly expensive, due to the need for a beam-line toproducemuons.

    Notably,the secondversionMCF/crequires dense deuteriumthe first
    does not.This appears to be an absolute requirement. No dense
    deuterium, no MCF/c.

    An accelerator is not needed ifa population ofdense deuterium is
    present.Typically an alkali metal is require to produce dense
    deuterium – like lithium or potassium, as well as a ferromagnetic
    electrode, like nickel or iron.However, dense deuterium is not
    enoughfor fusion, and theMCF/crequires a light source,which can
    be in the visible or IR range-andpreferentiallythis isa coherent
    light source.It can be a low-powered laserfor instance.

    Finally, there could beone or moreversions of cold fusion which
    do not require dense deuterium, and do not involve muons.Since
    muon detection is highly specialized and was never implemented in
    the first 25 years of LENR, it is impossible to say if the
    earlyexperimentsinadvertently produced dense deuteriumor
    not.Since the early experiments did not produceverymuch gamma or
    neutron radiation,it is tempting to opine thatthis impliesthey
    were operating in the MCF/c range,and wereproducing dense
    deuteriumand undetected muons.Early cold fusion work
    wasdifficultto replicate. This could indicate that an unknown
    parameter waspresent andnot always being met. For MCF/c, that
    parameter could have been aproperlight source.

    *From:*Eric Walker

    Ø Can you elaborate on research showing that muon-catalyzed
    fusion lacks neutrons and gammas?  In my reading today I got the
    distinct impression that there were and were expected to be fast
    neutrons and gammas in MFC.

    It is more complicated than that, Eric. Holmlid has been
    publishing his results for at least 6 years and AFAIK he reports
    few neutrons or gammas. But yes – there are others who have
    reported them. The answer for why there is a difference could be
    in the density of the deuterium (prior activation).

    With the original MCF which is based on cosmic muons, which is to
    say NO densification of deuterium – we have typical hot fusion
    ash including neutrons and gammas. Fortunately, this is not
    economically feasible because no muons are produced to replace
    the cosmic muons.

    However, with deuterium densification, Holmlid seems to suggest
    muons form as a replacement for gammas – and which then go on to
    catalyze the next round. This is massive synergy.

    Do you interpret this differently?

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