On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 9:16 AM, Stephen Cooke <stephen_coo...@hotmail.com>

Very true this is also true for the muon which has a rest mass for a pion
> is ~ 106 MeV.

This is one of the reasons I don't think muons are involved either.
Another reason -- if muons were being generated, you'd get muon catalyzed
fusion, and muon catalyzed fusion has all of the normal branching ratios
(e.g., for dd fusion, you'd get equal parts neutrons and tritium).

It will be interesting what Holmlids observations and explanations say, I'm
> quite curious as you say he could well have another explanation.

I have not yet looked closely at Holmlid's results, but I don't write them
off.  I'm keeping a distinction in my mind between his experimental
observations and his theoretical speculations.


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