Once upon a time there was a Very Politically Correct city ( in upstate NY).  
They sought to put solar panels on public buildings at great expense even 
though there was a world famous engineering university in their city that could 
tell them about How Overcast It Is Much Of The Year. They did anyway.
The helpful university once came up with a nice egg beater windmill partly made 
of truck drive shafts.  Never heard of it again.
The local people worry about windmills hurting birds and have successfully 
helped keep fracking out of the whole state – even though this area of the 
state has had 5 of the 10 lowest price housing markets in the US ( because of 
huge economic decline – Syracuse hit the record for worst concentration of 
poverty of any US city _ Business Insider).
Not too far away, we have Appalachia – long known for rural poverty and now, 
about to lose the coal industry.
I fear that climate change restrictions ‘put the cart before the horse’.  We 
seem to be engendering slavery while hoping for an indefinite emancipation and 
if the ‘stagnationistas’ have their way, we’re just screwed.

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