Jed, glad you can see that the government cannot just select who is the
expert. I hope you can find the conclusion that it is only people that can
get results. Next conclusion could be; that if people are positioned in a
comfortable way, with very little impact from the result achieved, they
will tend to avoid risk taking. CYA becomes the norm.
Your argument to why the people addressed are the wrong people is very
typical. You can search for ever and never ind the RIGHT person/position as
they are all more or less CYA or as you say they get fired because
In other words there is no way we can ask the government what will happen
with the climate. Impact by Exxon, Goldman Sachs and all the others will
impact the response.
Going back to the Paris meeting; do you think there will be anything
positive coming out of that? There is a bunch of politicians, influential
economic interest and a lot of people cashing in perks meeting with a few
scientists. With very few exceptions the scientists has no way of
communicate with the others as the others are as poorly educated in the
subject as I am in regards to the scientific speculations about LENR. Would
you like me to make decisions about how to go ahead with LENR research?

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899

Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and
enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass. (PJM)

On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> a.ashfield <> wrote:
>> Likewise, THE government expertise in energy is supposed to reside in the
>> Dept of Energy.
> For most sources of energy that is true. The DoE does have top experts in
> coal, oil, and nuclear power and other conventional energy.
>>   I have had an extended discussions with them about LENR and can confirm
>> that the universal consensus there is that LENR is impossible because there
>> is now way of overcoming the Coulomb barrier at low temperature.   I have a
>> friend there that tries to bring up the subject, but he is told to shut up
>> as LENR is pseudo science.  Experts are not immune from group-think.
> You misunderstand. Those are not experts. Not with regard to cold fusion.
> They are probably experts about other sources of energy, or about physics.
> They think of themselves as experts on cold fusion, but actually they are
> ignorant. If they were experts they would know that cold fusion is real.
> They are also not experts on the scientific method, because they do not
> understand that experiments overrule theory.
> Just because people call themselves experts and just because many members
> of the public think they are experts, that does not actually make them
> experts. They have to be correct about critical aspects of the subject
> matter.
> - Jed

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