Yes, I got an invoice and placed an order. Had to do it via bank wire,
since the Orbo webshop is not up and running yet.


On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 4:33 AM, Marcus Winckers <>

> Well, they responded fast. They will send me an invoice later this day.
> Lead time will be six weeks. I will wait for their email.
> Op 11 dec. 2015 11:29 schreef "Esa Ruoho" <>:
>> I think I haven't seen a screenshot of someone receiving an email yet..
>> Also, no info about shipping from ADGEX ELFE orders either.
>> On 11 December 2015 at 11:26, Marcus Winckers <>
>> wrote:
>>> Morning Esa,
>>> Did you hear from others that they ordered or received an invoice?
>>> I got my emails from them to wait for further instructions, but heard
>>> nothing since Monday.
>>> Marcus
>>> Op 9 dec. 2015 07:06 schreef "Esa Ruoho" <>:
>>> Hi Marcus! Sure!
>>>> I know at least two organizations who are going to purchase one. One is
>>>> in Australia, and another is in Finland. The Finns have a crowdfund
>>>> project.
>>>> <-
>>>> I'm trying to get in to record the electromagnetic fields + activities
>>>> of both of the devices, the Ocube and the Ophone. I hope they'll sound
>>>> juicy enough to be made electronic music out of.
>>>> On 2 December 2015 at 16:14, Marcus Winckers <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hey Esa,
>>>>> I see  that you, like me, are interested in the Cube.  I  am planning
>>>>> on buying one  later in the day if possible. My christmass present for
>>>>> myself.  Shall we keep in touch and exchange thoughts and experiences?
>>>>> Marcus Winckers
>>>>> Utrecht
>>>>> Netherlands.
>>>>> Op 29 okt. 2015 07:38 schreef "Esa Ruoho" <>:
>>>>> If you guys like the internets more, the transcript is mirrored here:
>>>>>> On 29 October 2015 at 02:17, Esa Ruoho <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi, here's my transcript of the Orbo Steorn Webinar broadcast on the
>>>>>>> 28th October 2015.
>>>>>>> If you use any of it, please credit accordingly.
>>>>>>> the video is at
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Pat: Welcome to the Orbo Webinar. We're here today to introduce you
>>>>>>> to the first Orbo product, the O-Cube. Orbo is a highly controversial
>>>>>>> technology ... (Shaun places the O-Cube on the table) ..and we're going 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> demonstrate the functionality of the O-Cube. Before we do that, 
>>>>>>> however, we
>>>>>>> want to just give you a brief flavour of who we are and the journey that
>>>>>>> we've taken over the last fifteen years.
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Shaun: So, twelve and a half years ago, yeah? Tell me, how on earth,
>>>>>>> you got into this crazy company.
>>>>>>> Pat: The beginning's actually going back fourteen years ago,
>>>>>>> because, what happened was, in 2001, I was looking to evaluate a 
>>>>>>> particular
>>>>>>> piece of technology, nothing to do with Steorn.. And, I didn't know how 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> evaluate it, and I made a number of calls, and I was put in contact with
>>>>>>> yourselves. So, I met Mike and yourself in 2001 and you looked at the
>>>>>>> proposition, the technology we're looking at, and you evaluated it and 
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>> said look, listen, this is not, you know, something to look at.. so, 
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> was the way it was left. And, I went to meet you then in April 2004 and 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> purpose of that conversation was.. ahm..
>>>>>>> Shaun: "Where's me fucking money" (laughs)
>>>>>>> Pat: Well, it wasn't, it wasn't even at that, because I knew, like,
>>>>>>> the proposition for what is.. But the point you were putting to me, was 
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>> said, "Look, we're looking for a venture capital..".. you said to me, 
>>>>>>> first
>>>>>>> of all, you said to me, "I'm looking for a VC company", and what I did
>>>>>>> was.. I.. The first thing I did probably before I even looked beyond 
>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>> was, I got a friend of mine who's a, you know, he's an engineer and I 
>>>>>>> got
>>>>>>> him to go in and spend some time with yourself and Mike and to evaluate
>>>>>>> what it was. And.. I can remember walking out of Fumberly Court as it 
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> on a Friday afternoon and.. the two of yous were walking along side by
>>>>>>> side.. I said "What you think?" and he just said "Can I invest?". And it
>>>>>>> was, it was kind of like that, and I said "Are you serious?" and he 
>>>>>>> said,
>>>>>>> "Pat, If this is right" he said, "This is gonna to be very very 
>>>>>>> serious."
>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>> Mike: So Shaun, looking a bit tired.. Understandable. Ten years
>>>>>>> defending your claims and yourself. Ahm, give us a little bit of 
>>>>>>> background
>>>>>>> about Steorn, for a bit, new people tuning in today.
>>>>>>> Shaun: Steorn was a company that you and me founded, Mike. Back in
>>>>>>> 2000, and we started doing project management.. We were in the world of
>>>>>>> fruit, a lot of bananas. And then we started developing technology for
>>>>>>> others, as you know, that's when we developed forensic systems for
>>>>>>> companies like Microsoft and credit card companies, and we did expert
>>>>>>> witnessing, in, fraud..
>>>>>>> Mike: (interrupts) So you get on..
>>>>>>> Shaun: And then one day..
>>>>>>> Mike: (interrupts) And then one day you're sitting there at your
>>>>>>> desk, magnets spinning around, and you decide: "I need an ad in the
>>>>>>> Economist".
>>>>>>> Shaun: One day we made a discovery, whatever you gonna call it, a
>>>>>>> mistake, depending on where you sit, where we went, yeah, look..
>>>>>>> We can get more energy out of these bizarre magnetic fields than
>>>>>>> we're putting in, isn't that really cool? And wouldn't it be great to 
>>>>>>> build
>>>>>>> something that uses this, put it in the market, and hopefully make a 
>>>>>>> lot of
>>>>>>> money.
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Alex?: When I saw yous guys coming in, and meeting up after work, I
>>>>>>> realized that yous were doing a lot of brainstorming, and once I, you 
>>>>>>> know,
>>>>>>> I didn't really know much about it, because I kept hearing the name 
>>>>>>> Steorn,
>>>>>>> and I didn't really know how to pronounce it or anything like that, but 
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> realized that yous were doing some interesting stuff, but it's been
>>>>>>> enjoyable seeing the progression over the years, and, you know, we're
>>>>>>> really, really really interested in what's going on, ahm, you know..
>>>>>>> Shaun: And you.. You see all the lads from Steorn, outside and
>>>>>>> about, in and out of there, these lads that just (heard) about every
>>>>>>> provocation and word and insult in the world, they're called conman,
>>>>>>> scam-artist, and so on, you've seen them at their most vulnerable. 
>>>>>>> Honestly
>>>>>>> what do you think of them?
>>>>>>> Alex?:  I've never seen them worry, I've never seen them. I like
>>>>>>> them, genuinely like, I know yous all, right down to Max, I've played 
>>>>>>> poker
>>>>>>> with so many of yous, we've shared so many late nights, and I remember
>>>>>>> telling my friends, you know, we're also in business, and I said, this 
>>>>>>> guy
>>>>>>> doing mad stuff with magnets, like, you know, and yeah.. Yous are 
>>>>>>> operating
>>>>>>> in, you know, this crazy environment, and, when we, you know, when we
>>>>>>> eventually -- when you actually turned around and said that we could 
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> one of these boxes in the pub for a while, I mean, I was just cackahoop
>>>>>>> when I saw.. When I heard that, and I mean, you know, not.. Partly I was
>>>>>>> wondering what the hell it is, but the other part of it is just really
>>>>>>> really interested at being involved with something so revolutionary..
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Shaun: Ok, Pat, so, you have hustled twenty odd million, and went to
>>>>>>> private investors around Ireland, and that started twelve years ago, 
>>>>>>> yeah?
>>>>>>> In that twelve years the company has failed, and failed again, and 
>>>>>>> failed
>>>>>>> again and failed again. And Pat Corbett has raised money again, raised
>>>>>>> money again and raised money again. What the fuck?
>>>>>>> Pat: (pause) Ahm, see that's that word, failure, you see. Look.. You
>>>>>>> know.. We haven't..
>>>>>>> Shaun: Failed. Failed with the jury, failed with the London demo,
>>>>>>> failed to ever show anything convincing to anybody, failed to put a 
>>>>>>> product
>>>>>>> in the market. Twelve years of failure, Pat's driving around the 
>>>>>>> country,
>>>>>>> taking money from people.
>>>>>>> Pat: Yeah, as it was, if you look at it like that, if you're looking
>>>>>>> at it from the outside in, Shaun, that's that's, that's what it is, it's
>>>>>>> failure, you know. People, you know, and.. And right now, you know 
>>>>>>> (what) I
>>>>>>> mean, and over the years, there is that, there's a huge level of fear 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> nervousness among the shareholders.
>>>>>>> Shaun: How does Pat know, Corbett know that it'll work?
>>>>>>> Pat: (pause) Pat Corbett has always known that it works.
>>>>>>> Shaun: (interrupts) No no, how does Pat Corbett know that the
>>>>>>> Powercube will work?
>>>>>>> Pat: (pause) The only reason Pat can say based on..
>>>>>>> Shaun: (interrupts) a great pause, that's - fucking aye, that was
>>>>>>> the money shot.. go-on (laughs)
>>>>>>> Pat: The only way Pat.. Pat has had one of the, one of the original
>>>>>>> Powercubes that he had basically going around in his car for a month..
>>>>>>> Shaun: Okay.
>>>>>>> Pat: Now, that worked for a month, that shouldn't happen. That did
>>>>>>> work.
>>>>>>> Shaun: Okay.
>>>>>>> Pat: So, like, in other words, all I can do, Shaun, is, as, all I
>>>>>>> can do, is say, alright, give the benefit of my knowledge and 
>>>>>>> experience.
>>>>>>> I'm not a scientist, I'm never, like, I'm not an engineer.
>>>>>>> Shaun: For twenty odd million, yeah, where's it gone?
>>>>>>> Pat:  The money has gone, in.. it's twelve years, so, like if you
>>>>>>> said, to run a business over twelve years, you know, that cost money, 
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> we've spent a lot of money on equipment, we've spent a lot of money on
>>>>>>> papers, we've spent a lot of money on staff.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Shaun: Let's say it all falls flat on it's face. If technology
>>>>>>> works, doesn't work, the whole thing goes wallop. Yeah?
>>>>>>> Pat: Yeah.
>>>>>>> Shaun: K? Where's Pat Corbett - where's Pat Corbett when he looks at
>>>>>>> his fucking two kids and his wife, and he goes, "I just wasted twelve 
>>>>>>> years
>>>>>>> of my life, destroyed my reputation".. Where's Pat then?
>>>>>>> Pat: Ahm. It's not something I've actually thought about..
>>>>>>> Shaun: (interrupts) I'm asking you though.
>>>>>>> Pat: Yeah. The most important thing in my life is how my wife looks
>>>>>>> at me and how my two kids look at me.
>>>>>>> Shaun: Yep.
>>>>>>> Pat: That's it.
>>>>>>> Shaun: And if this goes tits up?
>>>>>>> Pat: Ahm.. (prolonged pause) The reason I feel like this..
>>>>>>> Shaun: (interrupts) Leave it.. No, don't..
>>>>>>> Pat: (interrupts) No, no, this is relevant.. We're not leaving it.
>>>>>>> (pause) That emotion (pause) is to do with my wife and my kids.
>>>>>>> Shaun: Yep.
>>>>>>> Pat: It's nothing to do with this gone tits up. Ok? So. (inhales)
>>>>>>> Let me clarify that. Ok? Now. I can't tell you in a way that you will
>>>>>>> understand that I know this thing is not going to go belly up. I can't 
>>>>>>> tell
>>>>>>> anybody, like, look, if somebody's looking at this, and they're saying,
>>>>>>> right. I'm just a person on the other end of the screen. And.. To sound
>>>>>>> like anything, you know, if you say somebody'll see this thing about you
>>>>>>> know, saying something,  When you look, you know, and like.. All they're
>>>>>>> saying about everybody is that, the Henry Ford, Henry Ford said, you 
>>>>>>> know I
>>>>>>> want the v8, they said, can't be done. Steorn, you know, creating a 
>>>>>>> battery
>>>>>>> to recharge itself, can't be done. Okay? So, that's what people's.. But
>>>>>>> actually, I know, and that's what it is, Shaun, I know. And the very 
>>>>>>> thing
>>>>>>> about all of the years, and let's forget about Shaun McCarthy for a 
>>>>>>> second,
>>>>>>> and forget Mike Daily for a second. In all the years that basically I've
>>>>>>> been with Steorn, every single scientist or technologist that came in, 
>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>> us, the first thing, what do I do? I build a relationship with them. 
>>>>>>> That's
>>>>>>> it. You remember, d'you know, what you call it, two boys came in,
>>>>>>> represented the company from the Middle East, let's say, they came in, 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> they said, "But this works!" Well, of course it does, what did you think
>>>>>>> we'd do? Bring yous across for the day off, d'you know what I mean? So 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> thing about it, Shaun, is.. There's a question here, does it work? Yes 
>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>> does work, you know. I think the real question is: can we turn this into
>>>>>>> something?
>>>>>>> Shaun: Yeah.
>>>>>>> Pat: That's the real question. But.. From the point of view of..
>>>>>>> Shaun: (interrupts) D'you ever quit? D'you ever give up on this.
>>>>>>> Pat: No, I won't. Because..
>>>>>>> Shaun: (interrupts) Is there more fight left in you.. Twelve fucking
>>>>>>> years is a long time, any more fight left in Pat Corbett?
>>>>>>> Pat: Listen, my fight hasn't begun yet. I haven't started yet.
>>>>>>> Because this is not.. We've, we haven't had to fight (yet), we've only 
>>>>>>> had
>>>>>>> to get over the first hurdle. This'll be the first hurdle. Look man, the
>>>>>>> fight hasn't started yet, when the fight does.. that's why.. As I'm 
>>>>>>> saying
>>>>>>> to you, it hasn't begun yet.
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> ?: I believe you had a t-shirt before, posted before, went something
>>>>>>> like CEO vs COE.
>>>>>>> Shaun: Mm-hmm.
>>>>>>> ?: Ahm, I think the score at the moment is 5-0 in favour of COE.
>>>>>>> D'you believe the CEO's going to win out this time?
>>>>>>> Shaun: I'm a Birminham fan. A 5-1 result is..
>>>>>>> ?: So you're used to losing.
>>>>>>> Shaun: 5-1 result is considered a win. No. I, the truth of it is,
>>>>>>> yeah, in the promoting something that blatantly looks like horse-shit, 
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> that you're going to get kicked around a lot. But, here's the other 
>>>>>>> side of
>>>>>>> that coin: You only have to win once. And, yeah, well we've had obvious
>>>>>>> public failures and we've had obvious public disinterest in some of the
>>>>>>> stuff that we've done. I only have to win once. I can lose a hundred 
>>>>>>> times,
>>>>>>> and win once. When I win once, we win.
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Shaun: Ok, so what we're going to do now is discuss the actual
>>>>>>> product itself, this is what we call the O-Cube The O-Cube is a very 
>>>>>>> simple
>>>>>>> device, it's a power-brick or a power-cube that has one single USB 
>>>>>>> output.
>>>>>>> USB output is 2.1Amps, so it can charge tablets as well as smart-phones 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> other devices. In terms of the components inside, there's really only 
>>>>>>> three
>>>>>>> things. There's a standard USB PCB interface electronics, there's a
>>>>>>> Lithium-Ion battery and then there's the Orbo powerpack.
>>>>>>> Shaun: And how it actually works is very very simple. When you plug
>>>>>>> a device into this, what you're doing is draining the energy in the
>>>>>>> Lithium-Ion battery. But the Orbo device, the Orbo device is constantly
>>>>>>> powering the battery, so there can be situations where you draw and
>>>>>>> completely drain the Lithium-Ion battery, but what will happen is that 
>>>>>>> over
>>>>>>> time, that the Orbo device itself will recharge the battery.
>>>>>>> In terms of power output, you're looking at approximately two full
>>>>>>> smart-phone charges in the 24 hour period. (The O-Girl appears) Pat now
>>>>>>> will discuss the sales buys and terms of conditions, thank you O-Girl.
>>>>>>> Pat: The O-Cube goes on sale in December and is available only from
>>>>>>> Steorn. The cost price of this unit is 1200 euros, we're also offering 
>>>>>>> a 12
>>>>>>> month warranty return to base.
>>>>>>> Shaun: Ok, so, the way that we're demonstrating function here is
>>>>>>> that we're giving out the O-Cube to a variety of different people, and 
>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>> will be reporting back on their day-to-day use of it, at each of the
>>>>>>> subsequent webinars. Pat, maybe you can tell us a couple of the people 
>>>>>>> who
>>>>>>> are getting it, and obviously there'll be more, and, as the process 
>>>>>>> goes on.
>>>>>>> Pat: Ok, the first of these companies is a company we've been
>>>>>>> working with for the last couple of months, a company called Rabbithole
>>>>>>> Promotions. This company works in the area of guerrilla marketing, and,
>>>>>>> (they're) very edgy in their approach and it's, we think it's a perfect 
>>>>>>> fit
>>>>>>> for us.
>>>>>>> Shaun: Yeah, we think (that) they're going to do some really
>>>>>>> interesting, and unusual things with the Powercube in terms of their own
>>>>>>> day-to-day market and stuff. But we'll let them report back in the
>>>>>>> next webinar.
>>>>>>> Pat: Second company is a clothing company, also a Dublin-based
>>>>>>> company called Brickbear. Ahm, same as, these guys are into some very
>>>>>>> different type of clothing, and, we think there's.. there's a very nice 
>>>>>>> fix
>>>>>>> as regards what the Powercube can produce for them on a day-to-day 
>>>>>>> basis.
>>>>>>> Shaun: And while we do have a business relationship obviously with
>>>>>>> Rabbithole and Brickbear, gone to (there) myself and Pat sizes, but..
>>>>>>> there's no actual formal relationship. One last thing that we should 
>>>>>>> say is
>>>>>>> that while the O-Cube is the first commercially available product with
>>>>>>> Orbo, there's a lot of stuff that's happening behind the scenes with
>>>>>>> respect to commercial licensing and what we're going to do is play you a
>>>>>>> quick video of the first.. an interview with the founder of the first
>>>>>>> commercial licensee of Orbo, and we'll let him speak for himself about 
>>>>>>> his
>>>>>>> business, and what they're doing with Orbo.
>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>> Liquid Solutions
>>>>>>> Killian McGrath (Founder): Liquid Solutions manufactures and
>>>>>>> distributes E-Juice products for the E-Cigarette industry. We 
>>>>>>> manufacture
>>>>>>> them here in Waterford in our own facility, we do all the testing
>>>>>>> independently from outside the facility, and we produce a very 
>>>>>>> high-grade
>>>>>>> product within this facility. We've the class to produce about a hundred
>>>>>>> thousand bottles a day, or five hundred thousand bottles a week, that's
>>>>>>> basically our production capacity. Yeah, the functions have gone really
>>>>>>> crazy, like when we started out first, we would've started out with a 
>>>>>>> 650
>>>>>>> milliamp battery. You know, a user would use that, in a day, you know 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> they would charge it again and they'd use it all over again the next 
>>>>>>> day.
>>>>>>> They'd be using a head that would burn about one point six mills of 
>>>>>>> juice a
>>>>>>> day. Now, four years forward, they're using heads that have 3 and 4 
>>>>>>> coils
>>>>>>> inside (of) them, they would burn four or five times juice with less
>>>>>>> nicotine, so, that's.. the trend is going there with the big vaporus, is
>>>>>>> they want less nicotine, and more puff, ok, so we're now starting to
>>>>>>> manufacture three milligram juice, whereas before, the weakest we done 
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> six. Ok, now, three is the highest in the dripping, because they're 
>>>>>>> taking
>>>>>>> in so much liquid to produce so much vapour, ok, they're still getting 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> amount of nicotine that they need, but they're burning about four times
>>>>>>> more juice.
>>>>>>> Well, you have, I suppose everybody and their mother after you
>>>>>>> really, if you think about it, because you know, the three big gorillas
>>>>>>> inside, you've got the tobacco companies we're doing a lot of damage to
>>>>>>> them. The E-Cig is doing so much damage to them now they wanna come in 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> take it over. Then you have the pharmaceutical guys, OK, the guys that 
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> sitting in the background, they're like the little snipers, you know,
>>>>>>> they're pushing off press-releases, they're pushing out this just to
>>>>>>> discredit the product, why? Because nobody is buying patches, nobody's
>>>>>>> buying chewing gum, nobody is buying champax(?), OK, they've lost a 
>>>>>>> whole
>>>>>>> industry, this product is taking over their industry, OK?
>>>>>>> Then you have the government side of it, the government is losing a
>>>>>>> lot of money from it, on the short side, because on the short side, 
>>>>>>> they're
>>>>>>> losing revenue from taxes immediately, but on the long side, they would 
>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>> the benefits of that in five or ten years, because they'll have less
>>>>>>> serious, I suppose carcinogenic-associated health problems, moving 
>>>>>>> forward
>>>>>>> with the population. They will have less respiratory problems, because
>>>>>>> cigarettes are a huge cause of respiratory problems, in especially
>>>>>>> overweight people, and, people that are getting older in age. So the 
>>>>>>> whole
>>>>>>> idea is that the British medical organization came out only a month ago 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> they said that if everybody in the UK gave up cigarettes and went on to
>>>>>>> electronic cigarettes, they would save 80,000 lives a year.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Liquid Solutions & Orbo
>>>>>>> Killian: In 2005 I would've went to a meeting in Steorn's offices in
>>>>>>> the Innovation Park in the Watlands(?) I would've sat down and listened 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> what the guys had found or were working on, and I would be that type of
>>>>>>> person, I would be very interested in stuff like that. New, something
>>>>>>> that's new, something that's cheeky and something that nobody else is 
>>>>>>> doing.
>>>>>>> So yeah, I fell in love with the product, with the technology, and,
>>>>>>> yeah, that was 2005. 2006 you were making waves and you were moving 
>>>>>>> along,
>>>>>>> then we all know what happened in 2007 and 2008, we had the big crash.
>>>>>>> Shaun: Fucking great, wasn't it!
>>>>>>> Killian: Yeah that was brilliant. We all had fun there! And I
>>>>>>> suppose when I started this project, Shaun, when I started three and a 
>>>>>>> half
>>>>>>> years ago with Wicked E-Juice and making the juices, and then I kind of 
>>>>>>> got
>>>>>>> a brain-wave one day and I said "Hmm, maybe we can get a battery from
>>>>>>> Steorn that we don't need to charge". And that's what started this whole
>>>>>>> project.
>>>>>>> But they're looking at today, they've gone up to 3,5 thousand
>>>>>>> milliamp unit, with a .2 warm head(?), up to 50 watt, now 100 watt, I 
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> in England yesterday and I saw my first 300 watt battery (laughs), so, 
>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>> gone totally to the other side, it's gone to the total other extreme,
>>>>>>> whether that's going to stay going that way, or it's a fad and it'll
>>>>>>> eventually come back down to fairly standard products where you're 
>>>>>>> using a
>>>>>>> 20 watt product or a 10 watt product which is roughly around 9 volts, 8
>>>>>>> volts..
>>>>>>> Killian: Ahh.. No frustration. Little bit behind the times,  but you
>>>>>>> know, it's not a lollypop we're making here. You know what I mean? We're
>>>>>>> breaking new ground here. This has never ever been done before. You 
>>>>>>> know,
>>>>>>> this is bigger than big, you know, this is bigger than the biggest thing
>>>>>>> that's going on in the world today, only for people don't know about us,
>>>>>>> and that's our job, our job is to get the products out there so people 
>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>> know about us.
>>>>>>> We're Henry Ford with the Model T. That's where we are today. In ten
>>>>>>> years time, we may be Ferrari, you know, doing three hundred miles an 
>>>>>>> hour,
>>>>>>> instead of ten miles an hour. That's all engineering challenges. To come
>>>>>>> over the next ten years, but that's where this product is going to go. 
>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>> is only the beginning, we're only at the beginning, we're only 
>>>>>>> scratching
>>>>>>> the surface where we are with this technology today. Where will we be in
>>>>>>> ten or thirty years of time..
>>>>>>> God only knows.
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Shaun: So, I wanna pretty much thank everybody for taking the time
>>>>>>> to watch this video, ahm, I know there's probably a lot in it, an awful 
>>>>>>> lot
>>>>>>> of questions that people about the technology, does it work, how it 
>>>>>>> works,
>>>>>>> and so on, let me be clear. We're not getting into any technical 
>>>>>>> details at
>>>>>>> this stage.  But what we'll be doing is hearing from the guys who are 
>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>> it. The next webinar we'll announce the date of it, early next week, 
>>>>>>> we'll
>>>>>>> also in the next webinar be showing you some of the other products that 
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> in the pipeline, we're showing some of the R&D stuff with respect to 
>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>> does the Orbo battery go after the Powercube, and it will be obviously 
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> mobile consumer electronics, so, all I'm saying, again, thanks very much
>>>>>>> from meself and Pat, we look forward to seeing you next time.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Transcript by Esa Ruoho / /
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> ---
>>>> --
>>>> ---
>>>> // //
>>>> +358403703659 //
>>>> skype:esajuhaniruoho // // iMessage:
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Frank Acland
Publisher, E-Cat World <>

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