From: Esa Ruoho 
Where does BLP find investors this gullible and patient? At least Rossi claims 
to have a year of performance data under his belt. If he does, he will have no 
competition from “the brilliant one.”
Hey Jones,  if Steorn have managed to get 22million euros over the course of 
14-15 years.. then there are some serious long-term investors who are very, 
very, very patient. 

That much? Wow, not bad for Pub crawlers but I wouldn’t call their investors 
“serious”… unless it is seriously delusional. Say, Esa did your Orbo arrive 
yet? I’m still waiting on the magic flashlight from Oz.

If I were going to bet a few pints on who gets to market first between BLP, 
Niche, Rossi, Steorn or ADGEX, then the Irish scam makes as much nonsense as 
any of them… three quarks for muster Mac… 

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