On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 10:17 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

The Lugano reactor did not produce nickel-62 as ash, which is what AR wants
> the world to believe. The nearly pure isotope was there from the start.

What you say may be true. Bob Higgins's interpretation of the strange
Lugano ash assay result, where one is led to believe that all nickel
transmuted to 62Ni, but really didn't, because the samples were
unrepresentative, is consistent with this.

Here's another take on the larger context, however: the 62Ni could in fact
be a byproduct of whatever is releasing heat in the system. Rossi had a
series of analyses done and noted a correlation between heat and 62Ni.
Mistaking correlation with causation, he concluded, or tentatively
concluded, that 62Ni is doing something, and so has behaved in a manner
consistent with this understanding ever since.  In this scenario, a more
thorough analysis would show that 62Ni is, in fact, just a byproduct,
contrary to the understanding that led Rossi to purchase the 62Ni and
include it in the fuel (assuming this is what has happened).


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