On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 10:00 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: H LV
> MFMP performed a great service by collecting and tabulating this data.... 
> What story do you read when you compare the active and null data sets over 
> time? My reading of the active data set begins with the storage of energy for 
> the first 19 hrs and ends with the periodic release of energy for the last 
> 9hrs.  'Excess Heat' is not evident....Based on this reading, is it possible 
> to explain the amount of energy stored and released using just chemistry?
> Harry,
> MFPF is most definitely providing a valuable role in this research, but as 
> you imply - they appear to have "jumped the gun" on this announcement. The 
> end result is that the lack of convincing evidence feeds into the agenda of 
> the Mary Yugo's of the world - just the opposite of what was intended.
> And the skeptics are right this time - there is nothing at all to get excited 
> about here... yet. The heat is in the noise level and the radiation has been 
> known for over a decade. Anyone can make a much better case for LENR by using 
> Rothwell's Library.
> We respect Greenyer's efforts. We hope that he is correct that there will be 
> more to come shortly. I think that there will be better evidence coming to 
> light shortly. It's just too bad that he raised expectations high 
> prematurely... and then had to scurry around to explain the fizzle. Mary 
> gloats.
> Jones

My impression is the *range* of the spectrum is new.

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