Agreed the largest added Q comes from super-cooling. I had asked about
silver over copper as it is very simple and inexpensive to electroplate
silver onto a copper EM Drive. Building a LN2 cooled EM Drive has all manner
of engineering issues. Perhaps the 6% added thrust from silver plated copper
is observable and sufficient to prove the Q effect. The next issue is what
is the ideal microwave electronics and antennae design, as in what
brand/model of microwave oven do I buy to cannibalize for parts. 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2016 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: EM Drive(s)

In reply to  Russ George's message of Thu, 17 Mar 2016 11:18:21 -0700:
>In building a Shawyer EM Drive cavity copper is typically used but Shawyer
notes a higher Q would result with silver. Would a cavity that was made of
copper sheet then electroplated with silver suffice to give the cavity the Q
of silver? Is there any potential for improved Q based on the design of the
internal cavity antennae that emits the microwaves. 

The conductivity of silver relative to copper is not all that much, so I
wouldn't expect much of a gain anyway. Far more gain should be obtained by
cooling. According to Tesla, cooling with liquid nitrogen gives a 5 fold

Robin van Spaandonk

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