I have not analyzed Shawyer's cavity design to understand what resonant
mode is responsible for his thrust, and what other resonant cavity modes
are supported by the cavity.  The microwave oven magnetron can be pulled in
frequency somewhat by a highly coupled resonant mode.  You want to make
sure that the magnetron is exciting the correct mode - the one that
produces the thrust.  The magnetron will have an output waveguide that will
have to be coupled to the resonator through a port in the cavity, but an
orifice may be needed at the entrance to the cavity, and tuning screws
between the magnetron and the cavity to adjust the match to the residue of
the desired cavity mode.  You will need a small microwave probe that can
preferentially detect the field in the desired cavity mode chosen to be at
a field node for the other cavity modes.  You would tune the match and
orifice size to maximize the intensity in the desired thrust-providing
cavity mode.

This optimization will not be a trivial job, but will result in maximum
thrust for a given power.

Other thing to note is that the microwave oven magnetron power supply is
DC, but not constant DC.  Usually microwave oven power supplies are just
half wave rectified AC with the magnetron on for 1/2 cycle, and the driven
half cycle is a half sine of DC.  The frequency of the magnetron will
change with the DC voltage in the half sine if there is not something, like
a coupled cavity mode, to stabilize it.  If Shawyer's cavity has multiple
close-in modes, the magnetron, driven as a half sine voltage sweep could
jump between modes as a function of voltage.  It may be more desirable to
modify the supply to have a lower constant voltage than having a peak half
sine voltage.  That will keep the magnetron from pulling off of the desired
thrust mode.

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 7:22 PM, Russ George <russ.geo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Agreed the largest added Q comes from super-cooling. I had asked about
> silver over copper as it is very simple and inexpensive to electroplate
> silver onto a copper EM Drive. Building a LN2 cooled EM Drive has all
> manner
> of engineering issues. Perhaps the 6% added thrust from silver plated
> copper
> is observable and sufficient to prove the Q effect. The next issue is what
> is the ideal microwave electronics and antennae design, as in what
> brand/model of microwave oven do I buy to cannibalize for parts.

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