Parhomov paperJones--

I agree with you about the report of the Ni-64 ratios presented in the report.  
They should be asked to confirm the original Ni-64 ratio.

I doubt it is correct, since it would have taken some effort to start with the 
enriched Ni-64, which they would surely have noted as a particularly important 
attribute of the starting fuel.  

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene 
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 7:16 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Parhomov paper

The relevant Sochi data is the chart on slide 13.


You can see what happened – the chart is logarithmic and the writer of paper 
apparently did not notice that. 


Thus - a very substantial change took place - a drop in the ending ratio of 
64Ni of almost half, compared to the starting - PLUS a starting ratio which was 
500% greater than natural – gets swept away without apparent notice. 


Yet this is where ALL the action was happening.


They had to enrich in 64Ni to get these results – no question about it !



From: Jones Beene 

Interesting paper on his improved replication, with a glaring error:

Their conclusion is flat-out wrong: “After operation in the reactor, No 
significant changes in the isotopic composition of Ni was found. Li 6/ 7 Li 
ratio increased.”

In fact the Lithium ratio is in the noise, given the mobility of lithium - BUT 
a very substantial change in 64Ni can account for all of the excess heat. 

This is evidence that they enriched in 64Ni and knew it was the key – not 62Ni 
and no lithium.

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