1. There is an assumption that all the Rossi fuel particles were the same 
isotopic mix.  This may not have been the case.  To my knowledge AR did not say 
the fuel was a homogeneous mix.  There may have been different concentration in 
the various nano particles used to load the reactor.

2. I have not seen a good discussion of the ambient magnetic field in either AP 
or AR reactors.   I believe that the B fields locally occurring in each  nano 
particle is important in achieving a viable reaction because of the effect such 
a field has on the Li, H and Ni harmonics or anharmonics.  These local 
conditions may also be influenced by the local thermal motions.  As I have 
indicated before, I think the idea of breathers within a nano particle is 
important in causing the approach of H to any Ni isotope or any Li isotope or 
Li to Ni.  And it may be that the various isotopic nuclear wave functions are 
slightly larger or smaller than an average size and/or deformed by the local 
magnetic B field to be longer or shorter in one dimension.   Variations of the 
local B field may also be important in the creation of any anharmonicty  that 
produces additional  overlap of nuclear wave functions.  The local B conditions 
may also influence the additional  loading of Li and H within any BCC lattice 
unit to create a crowded lattice site with potential likely LENR.  I may even 
be that H forms a negative ion and acts like a muon to catalyze LENR. (As some 
believe, muons may be important in LENR involving simple plasma 2 or 3 body 
reactions.)   If the local B field is large enough, it may create 1-dimensional 
LENR reactions that favor one Ni isotope relative to another.  

The description of the complex coherent system suggested above is beyond 
current analytics IMHO.  

One thing Rossi has going from him is that he does not know too much physics to 
stymie his experimental approach at finding conditions and materials that work. 

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene 
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 7:40 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Re: E-Cat progress

From: Bob Cook 


Ø  The AP test did not run very long and may not have depleted the Ni to the 
extent of the Lugano test.  


Here is the comparative data. The important comparison is on slide 14. As a 
good scientist, you will change your view after studying this.



The AP test ran for 4.5 days and produced more excess heat per day than the 
revised Lugano numbers - with the net being 150 MJ (40 kWH).  Based on the 
revised numbers from Bob Higgins for the Lugano run, transposed to AP we should 
have seen about a quarter of Parkhomov’s totally nickel converted to 62Ni, 
assuming Rossi was correct and did not cheat. 


Yet there was almost zero – almost NO CHANGE in Parkhomov’s 62Ni numbers, so it 
is clear that Rossi cheated or else Parkhomov did. They both cannot be true.


To believe the Rossi analysis is real – almost 100% of the nickel in the 30 day 
run had to be converted to the single isotope!  Explain that !





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