I am glad that Russ and Jones seem to understand the NI LENR reactions so well. 
 I think they should write science papers on the subject.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene 
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 6:16 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Re: E-Cat progress

From: Eric Walker 

Russ George wrote:

  C’mon guys the Lugano report of that 64[62]Ni is an impossible bit of data … 
that number is bogus by gross error or intent. Get over it, just toss that 
piece of BS out the window into the garden where it might do some good.

Ø  EW: There is no need to presume that there was any fraud involved…


Wrong. Given the circumstance, fraud is the most logical conclusion based on 
the facts. Your stance is similar to saying that OJ was innocent because the 
glove didn’t fit. In fact, the case for OJ being innocent is more defensible 
than for AR not being deceitful.


The issue boils down to whether a good lab make an incredibly egregious mistake 
that no grad student would make, or whether a convicted criminal with a long 
history of deceit, who admitted on his blog to having experimented with the 
exact same enriched isotope which turned up, added that enriched isotope to the 
Lugano reactor. 


The  purpose of the deceit is not clear, but either way – follow the buck. 
Either Rossi did it because only that isotope (62Ni) works, and he did not want 
it show up as the starting fuel - or most likely it was salted in order to 
present a false conclusion to potential competitors, so as to hide the true 
identity of what was working (64Ni). Notice that at the end – the 64Ni was 
completely deleted and Rossi says he had determined that there was only enough 
fuel for 30 days.


Furthermore, based on Parkhomov’s Sochi data, we can see that 62Ni does not 
work and only 64Ni works. Both of them (AP and AR) could not be correct on 
this, since the gain in Parkhomov’s experiment has no contribution from the 
starting 62Ni. Parkhomov, in his discussion, apparently does not realize this 
and believes that lithium is active, but the data is clear that Li is in the 
noise. Parkhomov’s data, once you strip away the stupid log bar chart, 
contradicts Rossi’s data to an overwhelming extent.


The most logical conclusion, if you follow the buck (or follow the data, either 
way) is that Rossi was being deceitful in his decision to salt the reactor - 
and he probably knew that the active isotope was 64Ni instead of 62Ni … but 
wanted to present another conclusion, so as to confuse potential competitors.






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