On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 8:57 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

Eric, you are trying to gloss over unscrupulous conduct. It stinks no
> matter what name you put on it.

I only wonder whether Rossi has committed fraud, illegal or otherwise.
I've given at least one reason I think he might not have (i.e., Rossi's
hypothetical belief that 62Ni would do something beneficial if added to the
fuel).  In this scenario, he's committed neither fraud nor misdirection.
Lateral thinking may produce other scenarios.  I do not find alternative
explanations involving misdirection more plausible, although you and others
might, given his history, and that's quite fine.

In all possible scenarios I offer no excuse for Rossi's behavior.  He is a
mystery of his own making.  Misdirection is unscrupulous, although it is
not unknown in business.  Steve Jobs engaged in misdirection of sorts when
he gave out inconsistent information about products that were to be
released to different employees he was talking to in order to find out who
was leaking details to the press.  That is not something I would do.

I will have to defer to your more comprehensive understanding of fraud,
illegal and otherwise.  I am working from the TV version.


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